Page 59 of Her Hero Daddy
She thought about his words and realized he was right. No one else knew she was there, and Tim wouldn’t stand a chance against Kane. He could probably take him down with one finger. She nodded, tears filling her eyes. She hated this. She wanted this nightmare to be over so she could focus on whatever was happening between her and Kane.
Noticing her wet eyes, he picked her up from the chair and carried her to the couch, bringing her sippy cup along with them. He cradled her in the crook of his arm so she was faceup, looking up at him. He hummed a lullaby and gently rocked her against him. His gaze was complete adoration and care when he looked down at her, and she melted for it.
A while after her tears dried, he held up the sippy cup to her mouth. She eyed it, unsure if it was something she wanted to try. Opening her mouth, taking in the plastic spout, she drank the grape juice down. It felt awkward at first, but she forced herself to relax as she took in more liquid.
Kane wants this too. He doesn’t think you’re weird.
“Good girl,” he crooned as he pulled the cup from her lips.
Those words could pretty much get her to do anything. She loved hearing it from him.
“You’re safe with Daddy. I will take care of you. Doesn’t mean you won’t worry, but when you do worry, I want you to tell yourself that Daddy will protect you and take care of you. Okay?”
Nodding her head, she touched his beard again. She loved his beard. It soothed her for some reason, despite the prickliness of it.
“Good. Do you want to color for a bit while Daddy works?”
“Yes, please. I didn’t finish the picture I was coloring for you yesterday.”
Kane stood, carrying her with him. “What kind of picture were you coloring?”
She gave him an innocently sweet look. “I can’t tell you, Daddy. It’s a surprise.”
“Oh. Okay. A surprise, huh… Well, I can’t wait to see it.”
Kane helped her carry the stack of coloring books and colored pencils downstairs that Ally had brought her, along with Virgil, to keep her company. He got her settled on the floor with her supplies and went to his desk. She tried to be extra careful to stay in the lines of her artwork. When she finished it, she got up and took it to Kane proudly.
“What is this?” he asked, using that Daddy voice she’d heard before that made her melt.
“It’s for you! It’s an alligator.”
Wrapping his arm around her waist, he pulled her in between his legs so she was standing in front of him. Even with him sitting, his head was even with hers.
“I see it’s an alligator. You did such a good job. I love the colors, and you did so good at staying in the lines, baby. I’m going to hang this in here.”
He found some pushpins and pinned them to a corkboard that hung on the wall. She couldn’t help but beam proudly at it.
“I think we are starting an alligator theme in the house.”
She giggled. “I’m surprised you don’t have alligator heads mounted on the walls, Daddy.”
He turned toward her, his eyes intense, and then he smiled, the most mischievous smile she’d ever seen on him.
“I’m giving up alligator wrestling. There’s only one baby alligator I want to wrestle with, but right now, I’m going to tickle her.”
Haylee screamed, running from his office, giggling wildly.
“No running!”
She barely got into the hall before he snatched her up and began tickling her. She squealed and squirmed, kicking her legs.
“Okay! Okay! Mercy, Daddy! Mercy!”
He stopped tickling her immediately and grinned down at her, his arms still wrapped around her body.
“You are so adorable, my baby girl. My baby alligator.”