Page 75 of Her Hero Daddy
“Do you think I can’t keep my temper in check?” he snapped.
“I think that you are in love with Haylee, and you feel the need to get revenge on this guy for what he did to her, but you can’t let your own anger cloud your judgment. You know the best thing is for him to be arrested.”
He did want to beat the guy to a bloody pulp, but Luke was right, and he really hated admitting it.
“I know. I promise not to lose my shit. I am only coming to support you and make sure you and your guys are safe.”
“Okay. Round up Damian and his guys and bring Haylee over here. We will keep one of the guys here with the girls while we go. I’m going to round up my officers and have them meet up here as well.”
Kane hung up, went out to the attached apartment, and knocked on the door. Damian answered the door in his underwear, though he looked like he was already awake. Years in the military made them naturally early risers.
“We found him. Get dressed, arm up, and round up the guys. We are all meeting at Luke’s. I need a guy to stay with the girls while we go. We are only to provide backup to Luke and his team. Can’t go all Rambo on him.”
Before Kane even finished telling his brother all the information he had found out, Damian was getting dressed and arming himself with several handguns that he placed in his boot, waistband, and shoulder holster.
“I need to go wake up Haylee and get her ready to go,” he said, disappearing out of the apartment.
Walking up to the nursery, he packed a bag with several toys, coloring books, a sippy cup, a pacifier, and a change of clothes for Haylee to take with them, setting it in the hall and then making his way into their bedroom. He took his time getting dressed and getting himself armed, wanting his baby girl to get as much sleep as possible.
When he’d waited for as long as he could, he sat on the edge of her side of the bed and ran his hand gently over her hair.
“You gotta wake up, baby alligator.”
Haylee let out a sound of protest and tried to slide deeper under the covers. He couldn’t help but chuckle. She hated being woken up. He leaned over her, tugging the blankets down slightly so he could see the back of her wild hair.
“I know you’re a sleepy girl, but Daddy needs you to wake up. We need to go over to Luke’s, and then you can climb into bed with Ally and go back to sleep.”
Turning her head toward him, she opened her eyes and frowned. He wanted to kiss the corners of that frown and turn it into a smile. If everything went as planned that day, he hoped she would only have reasons to smile going forward.
“Why do we have to go to Luke’s? It’s barely even light out. What’s going on?”
“We found where Tim is. We need you and Ally to stay together with a guard so the rest of us can go take him down.”
Haylee sat up so quickly that he didn’t have time to move, and her head collided with his. Her hand flew up to her forehead.
“Fuck, baby! Are you okay? Let Daddy see.”
Turning on the bedside lamp, Kane pulled on her wrist gently so he could look at her forehead. A small red circle was already forming.
“I’m so sorry, baby. I didn’t know you would sit up so quick. Are you okay?”
Nodding her head, she looked up at him sleepily. “I’m fine. You have a really hard head, Daddy.”
He grinned and leaned in to kiss her. “That’s not the only hard head I have.”
She giggled and leaned into his shoulder, resting her head on it.
“What do you mean you’re going to take him down? Are you going to be in danger?” she asked quietly.
Pulling himself back from her, he reached out to cup her chin, lifting it so she was looking at him.
“I am going to be fine, baby. I have extensive training in situations like this, and I know how to protect myself. Besides, there will be plenty of us. I’m not going in alone.”
She didn’t say anything, but he saw the worry in her face. The sooner they could get it done and over with, the better.
“Come on, let’s get you dressed. Want to wear some footie pajamas, and I’ll carry you?”