Page 3 of Feathers and Thorns
They attempted to preserve every last ounce of their energy as they descended into their impending battleground.
After a disagreement with Enara, who was now on a warpath to get her friend back, Jai convinced them to wait about half a kilometer back from the manor while he scoped the place out.
He stayed out of sight, his footsteps silent. He could not risk being seen now, or they would lose the element of surprise. He stalked in a semi-circle around the property, noting windows and entrances and also the kestrels perched within a few feet of each one. How the hell are we going to get in there? he thought. It’s a damn fortress.
He nearly jumped out of his skin when one of the beasts flew around the side of the manor, this one looking different from the rest—more human than animal. It flew up and motioned with its wings. At once, all the creatures surrounding the building headed toward the frozen lake and over the mountain range on the other side.
Not trusting the creatures had left for his convenience, he circled back toward the entrance of the house and waited. He remained hidden as a young woman walked through the open gate and headed straight down the narrow path, in the direction of his companions. He followed behind her, glad the snow muted the sound of his footsteps. When she paused to tighten her bootstraps, he acted, running up behind her and pulling out his bowie knife. He held the blade to her throat as she struggled against him.
“What the fuck?” she growled, and he nicked her neck in warning.
“Where is your master?” he asked viciously.
“Are you thick in the head? I don’t answer to anyone. Who the fuck are you?”
“I’m the one asking the questions.” He put more pressure on the blade than necessary, and a small trickle of blood slid down her neck, pooling between her breasts.
“Asshole,” she gritted out.
“Who are you?”
“Wouldn’t you like to know?”
The sarcasm in her voice was so thick that he rolled his eyes in response.
Seeing that he wasn’t getting anywhere, he decided to try a different approach.
“I’m going to back away now. Please refrain from doing anything stupid.”
“Then don’t give me a reason to,” she retorted.
He removed the blade, pushing her forward in the same instant so she wouldn’t have the chance to get the drop on him.
“Seriously!” she exclaimed. She had landed on her hands and knees in the snow. Standing, she pinned him with a glare.
“So,” he said haughtily, “you going to tell me your name?”
She brushed the white flakes from her cloak before answering.
“My name is Soren.”
“Shit,” Jai exclaimed, taken aback. “I am sorry. I didn’t know it was you. They said Soren had blue hair.”
“Yeah, well, the facilities didn’t provide hair dye. This is my natural color. Wait—who are they?”
“Baz and Enara.”
Soren cried out, her heart bursting with happiness. “They’re alive? Where are they? Why did they send you? Who are you? Are they okay?” Everything came out in a rush of words so quickly she forgot to take a breath. So, she guzzled in air, waiting for an answer.
“Yes, they are alive. They aren’t far from here. I am a tracker. The name’s Jai. They hired me to find you.”
“Take me to them,” she demanded, not giving a flying fuck who he was.
He laughed at her demanding tone. “They said you were a fiery one. Follow me.”
Soren had to resist screaming with joy when she embraced her friends. They fell to the ground in a riotous heap, laughing and crying, and laughing some more.
“Maker, I am so glad that you guys are okay,” she said, blinking away the moisture that had collected at the corners of her eyes.