Page 26 of We Were Together
“Holbreck there?”
“He’s team captain, so yeah.” He chuckles.
I swipe my keys from the basket in the foyer on my way out the door. “I need you to do me a solid and keep him there. I’m on my way for a little chat.”
“Done,” Rico responds without hesitation. “Anything else?”
“Who plays second string for him?”
“He any good?”
“Uh… he’s aiight. Doesn’t get much playing time with pretty boy Holbreck dominating the field.”
“Tell him to step up his game.” I slide into the driver’s seat of my BMW. “He’ll be finishing the season.”
I whip into the mostly empty lot of our high school and circle around toward the back of the building where the athletic fields are located. It’s Saturday, and soccer’s the last team to practice for the day.
Good. Limited witnesses.
Exiting the car, I stride across the lot to where I see Rico distracting Colton with some bullshit conversation. Rico glances at me on my approach, tipping his chin to me in greeting.
“Your coaches still here?”
“Nah, all clear,” he responds with a smirk, backing up to give me room when he reads my intent. “No hard feelings, Cap.”
“What—” Colton turns to me in confusion just as my fist collides with his jaw.
“What the fuck, Conners?!” He stumbles back, though manages to maintain his footing.
“You’ve been dealing to seventh graders.”
Rico’s expression instantly hardens.
“What the fuck are you talking about?” Colton continues to rub at his injured chin, now sporting a split lip.
“Daphne Burke. Redhead. ‘Bout yea tall.”
“That’s what this is about? Dude, what the hell? Why you care about some slut I sling pills at?”
Rico practically giggles with malice. “You stupid shit. You gone and did it now.”
“What—” His question is cut off when my fist cracks him square in the nose. He drops this time on a wail, clutching his face as blood pours from beneath his hands.
Gripping hold of his hair, I rip his head back, forcing him to stare up at me. “That so-called slut is my baby sister’s best friend, and she’s only thirteen.”
“So? She sure as shit don’t look thirteen. You see that pouty ass mouth of hers? Bet you she could suck a dick like a porn star.”
My knee drives up into his chin, the impact disorienting him and causing his eyes to roll about in his head. He collapses to the pavement, where I proceed to kick him twice in the gut.
“Let me be perfectly clear. I’ll even speak slowly so your neanderthal brain can comprehend.” Crouching beside his crumpled form, I snatch hold of his chin, forcing his bloody face to stare up at me. “If I find out you so much as breathe in Daphne’s direction, let alone deal her drugs, I’ll—”
“You’ll what?” He laughs, spitting blood onto my jeans. “Tell on me? My dad’s a lawyer, Nick. Charges won’t even be filed.”
“No. I’ll fucking kill you.” I rise, never once breaking my predatory stare. “Consider yourself lucky I’m letting you go with just the knee injury.”