Page 40 of We Were Together
“Nicky.” His name slips from my tongue a soft whisper. “How many times has the sting of your palm been imprinted on my ass?”
His eyes darken with desire, causing his impeccably impassive façade to momentarily slip. “Enough that I know the force of my hand turns your silky skin the exact shade of red as your hair.”
“Mmmm.” I hum, tracing the tip of my nose along his cheekbone as I position my lips next to his ear. “And yet after all those spankings, my attitude remains intact. I think it’s time to consider the possibility there’s something lacking with your technique.”
Nicky pops up, arms encircling my waist and pulling me into him. At this proximity, it’s impossible to miss the vibrations of the nerve I’ve struck… or the swiftly hardening bulge pressing against my stomach.
“Lacking? Have you forgotten how quickly I’ve had you coming undone? What’s my record? Two minutes?”
“A well-placed vibrator could do it in one.” I reach atop my head, sliding my shades down into place. “Stop acting like you’re anything to write home about.”
“Sorry!” Shannon shouts as she approaches the room. The sound of her footsteps has a sobering effect on Nicky, who promptly releases me from his grasp. “Your dad called, and I took a minute to talk with him. Oh, honey, are you leaving?” She frowns when she enters, taking in the sight of my impending departure.
“Yeah, Ma.” I turn to her, a perfectly crafted smile plastered across my face. “I’m sorry. But I’ll see you tonight, okay? Thank you for lunch!” I call out over my shoulder as I flee toward the foyer, unable to share the space with him a moment longer.
I may have been able to secure my resolve in his presence, but I’m in no hurry to test the limits of its strength.
Daphne strides from the room, her departure deeming me unworthy of so much as a farewell wave. It should make me proud. I want her to ignore me, to remain distant in our interactions. Less opportunity to allow for any temptation.
So then why am I left feeling like I would’ve settled for a “fuck off” over the blatant indifference I was awarded?
She was a vision in her white silk blouse, the free-flowing fabric of her shirt gifting me the most glorious view of her white lace bra when she leaned forward. Her black high-waisted sailor pants adorned with large gold buttons perfectly accentuated her narrow waist, reminding me of how the span of my grip encircles it almost entirely.
My fingers twitch as though possessed by the muscle memory of what she feels like pinned within my grasp, leaving my painfully hard erection punching at the zipper of my pants. It suddenly dawns on me that my mother is no more than five feet behind me, and the realization alone is thankfully enough to extinguish any lingering excitement.
“Sit,” she instructs, setting the plate she went to retrieve onto the table with a quiet thud. I oblige, assessing her suspicious stare as she places two pieces of chicken in front of me. After depositing some salad alongside it, she returns to her seat where she continues to eye me almost accusingly.
“You hacked the security cameras again.” My mom doesn’t bother to mask her annoyance, though the sight of her irritation makes me smirk.
My mom can be downright intimidating with those who deserve her wrath, but toward her kids? She has about as much ferocity as a golden retriever puppy.
“Ma,” I pick up the silverware to begin cutting into the chicken, “it isn’t hacking if all I have to do is log into the app on my phone.”
“It is when you continue to access the feed even after I’ve changed the passwords.”
Well, if I don’t then how else will I know when she visits so I can plan my impromptu drop-ins?
“I like to know you’re safe. What if someone was breaking in? How else would I know you need help?”
“Daniel Nicholas Conners. We have a top-tier security system that links right to emergency services. They have a response time of four minutes. I think we’re covered.”
“I don’t understand your objections. It doesn’t hurt for me to have access.”
“Fine,” she states, leaning back in her seat as she sips her chardonnay. “I’d stay out of the video archive, though. Unless, of course, you want to catch a glimpse of your father and me after date night last week.”
I still, my body frozen aside from my rapid blinking as I try to process what she just said.
“Outside? Seriously?”
“We live on thirty-seven acres. It’s not like we have to worry about neighbors.”