Page 43 of We Were Together
Her words don’t rile me. Mainly because I know them to be bullshit. Luc’s mother, Margot, can be stuck up, but she likes me and is genuinely pleased with the match. My parents may be insufferable by my standards, but the Burke name is equated with the higher echelon of the social classes. Excessive profanity and daddy issues aside—on paper, I’m a fucking catch.
Well, at least by most people’s standards. Drug-dealing ex-motocross riders, not included.
“Perhaps you need to get your hearing checked, Mrs. Castleback,” I offer in an overly pleasant tone.
“Pardon me?” Her expression morphs into one of offense.
“See? Seems to be a problem.”
“Daphne!” my mother hisses, eyeing me with contempt.
“I’m simply expressing concern for her audiological well-being.”
Mrs. Castleback abruptly takes her leave, muttering something about my distasteful lack of manners in her retreat.
“What is wrong with you?!” My mother grips hold of my arm, her fingers digging into my skin as she drags me off to the side.
“Several things, I’m sure. Though at the moment, my main complaint would be my hair.” I press my fingers to my scalp, massaging slow circles in an attempt to alleviate some of the tension.
“Stop that!” She swats at me, knocking my hands from my head. “You’ll mess up your bun.”
“Good!” I snap. “The stylist you sent to my place pulled my hair so tight, it feels like it’s being ripped from my head. Not to mention this dress you forced me into is a size too small. I’m bound so tight, I can barely walk.” I glance down at the fabric of my red mermaid gown currently forcing my thighs together, binding me at the knees before flaring out slightly to the floor. This baby’s got zero give.
“That dress is a size 4, Daphne.”
“I’m a size 6.”
“Perhaps you should eat less.”
I do my best to conceal the wince her words draw from me as my mind’s temporarily catapulted back to a time of rigorous calorie counting and mandatory daily cardio sessions. Memories of habits I’ve worked hard to leave in the past. My skin’s thickened considerably over the years, but I’m still only human. She turns toward the crowd, allowing my hate-filled stare to bore into the side of her face. It sickens me to know I come from such a vile woman.
I fidget with my dress, silently cursing her existence when the too-tight sensation at my hairline has my fingers returning to my scalp.
She slaps my hands once again, batting them away.
“Goddamn it!” I huff in frustration.
My mother groans in annoyance. “I swear, Daphne, you’re practically feral. You want to act like you were raised by wolves? Perhaps we should toss you out to live with them. It would seem that’s where you belong.”
My lips pull back, baring my teeth in a snarl when a firm but familiar grasp encircles the nape of my neck. Using his grip to maneuver me, Nicky spins my body into his, pressing my chest to his own. He looks over my shoulder, and I follow his gaze to find his eyes trained on my mother who stares back at him, teeth clenched in anger.
Nicky and my mother have never bothered to hide their intense hatred for one another. It’s no secret there’s no love lost between the two of them.
“Daniel.” Her harsh tone has more bite to it than normal. “I’d appreciate it if you’d unhand my daughter.
“Why? You said it yourself, she belongs with me.”
“I beg your pardon?” My mother’s question barely registers as Nicky’s words repeat in my head, each chorus sending another surge of tingles dancing across my skin.
Nicky simply tilts his head back in response, releasing a low howl.
My mother scoffs, storming off into the crowd just as the music changes tempo, abandoning me to the mercy of the big bad wolf with the seductive cerulean gaze.
Perfect / Style by Jonah Baker (Spotify)
Perfect / Style by Jonah Baker (Apple Music)
He stares after her with a smug smirk while he works swiftly to release my hair from the painful confines of the too tight bun. Strands tumble free, each section cascading down my back until the last piece has fallen, bringing instantaneous relief. Threading his fingers through my auburn locks, he massages my scalp, and for the first time in years, I don’t fight the way my body melts into his arms.