Page 7 of Dirty Fortune
"I've been back in New York for about three years. We can make this work, princess."
He takes my hand in his, and the warmth of his touch makes me tremble. This is too much, too soon, and I don't like the fact that I'd probably have to lie to my brother about who I'm dating.
"We wouldn't have to keep it a secret, Jules. I'm ready to fight for you."
"You know Mike is the only family I have left. I try my best never to disappoint him."
He squeezes my hand. "I know you have a special bond with your brother and that you always defer to him, but this goes beyond that. Don't you think?"
I pull my hand back and look at his handsome face. He's really serious about this, but I don't think I can do it. I have too much to lose. Think, Julie, think. I pull my hands to my lap and clasp them nervously, looking for some strength.
"I'm sorry, Keith."
Tossing my napkin on the table, I get up and get my clothes so I can change in the bathroom. I close the door behind me and hope he's gone when I come out. But no, he's there, waiting for me and looking a tad agitated.
"I thought we could spend the day together." He approaches me.
"I'm meeting Meghan and the girls in a few minutes. You should go."
I give him my sternest look and try to remain as strong as possible because he looks like he wants to fight my decision.
"Just go, Keith." I manage to say.
"I'll go, but this isn't over, Jules. I'll see you in New York."
He grabs hold of me and gives me a passionate kiss that makes my toes curl. Suddenly, I'm relieved that I said no because I don't think I can handle a relationship with a dominant man like Keith Matthews. Without another word, he lets go of me and walks out of the suite.
I find Meghan waiting for me in the lobby of the hotel. I look around to see if any of our other friends are with her, but she's completely alone and looking a bit miserable.
"Meg, what's going on? Where's everybody?"
"Hey, Jules. I'm not really sure. I think Hailey and Alice are already on a plane back to New York."
"What? But we're not done celebrating Hailey's birthday!"
"Amber and Gemma are around, but otherwise engaged. It's just you and me, kid."
"Well, can we go sightseeing or something? I need to talk—somewhere away from here."
"Sure thing, we've got plenty of time, let's go."
Meghan hooks her arm around mine, and we leave the hotel and head for the Strip. The day is warm, but it's bearable.
"So, last night I ran into someone from my past." I start.
"That's interesting. I ran into someone from my present."
"You did? Wait, is that why you look off today?"
"A little bit. But let's talk about your someone first. I might be out of order, but you, young lady, look like you won the jackpot last night."
"Meghan, we're only six months apart. Stop treating me like a kid. I swear you remind me of my brother, always babying me."
"So who was it?" She asks.
"My brother's best friend."