Page 77 of Keep You Close
“Hope for what?” Tucker asked, coming in out of the back, holding a snub-faced, black French Bulldog puppy with him. She’d been having a hard day being away from her owner who suddenly had to go back to the office after months of working from home. Tucker had been the only one capable of stopping her bellowing.
“AJ has a boyfriend,” Ella declared.
“I don’t… we haven’t… it’s not…” I started, uncomfortable admitting that we hadn’t discussed labels. That, while we were certainly acting like boyfriend/girlfriend, that we hadn’t ever had a talk like that.
“I saw how he looked at you when he was here the last time,” Tuck said, saving me. “Trust me, that’s your man.”
“See?” Ella said. “This is so exciting. What does he do?” she asked.
“Extreme sports,” I told her.
“That’s so hot. So, that’s what happened to his leg?”
“Yeah. He was a mess when he first came back to town. But he’s mostly healed now.”
“Does that mean he’s leaving?” she asked.
“Um, no. At least… not for a while.”
“Crap,” Ella said, wincing. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to take away some of your joy. I am always putting my foot in my mouth.”
“He’s… making plans to be able to stay here. I think he will still travel, but his plans seem to be staying here. His whole family is here.”
“Have you met them?”
“All of them, actually. He has three brothers and a sister. Then lots of nieces and nephews.”
I wouldn’t lie. Some part of me was hoping to one day be on Atlas’s arm when he went to Sunday dinner. But I understood if maybe things felt too new to introduce me to his extended family.
“That’s so cute. I’m so happy for you. It’s nice to know there are still good guys out there,” she said.
“There are,” I agreed, looking over at Tucker, who was looking at Ella as he gently petted the puppy’s head. “Right, Tuck?” I asked.
“None good enough for you two,” he said, but I had a feeling he meant Ella more so than me.
“Oh, you little charmer, you,” Ella said, giving him a warm smile as she turned to pet the puppy.
Then I got to watch as both their gazes lifted at the same time. Holding. Something passing between them.
I wondered, if I wasn’t there, and if the sound of a car door slamming hadn’t interrupted, if something may have happened with them right then.
As it was, Ella jolted, then turned to grab her white puffer coat, slipping into it, then fishing her keys out of her purse.
“Let me heat it up for you,” Tucker said, reaching for her keys. “I’m gonna bring Max out to her mom,” he added, jiggling the dog.
“Oh, that’s so sweet. Thanks, Tuck,” she said, passing him her keys, then turning to watch him walk away.
“Have you ever, you know, considered Tuck?” I asked.
“Considered him how?” she asked.
“You know…” I said.
“No!” she said, a little fast. “No,” she added more firmly.
“Why not?”
“He lives in his car.”