Page 7 of Knox
“Home to where?” The question popped out before I could stop myself. “Your place is gone. Burnt to the fuckin’ ground along with anything you owned inside that fuckin’ building. Where you gonna go?”
“Knox.” Dad stood, placing himself between me and Evelyn. I wanted to shove him out of the way, but I had no right. Besides, he was protecting Evelyn. Right now, he was protecting her from me.
Aneshya gasped, reaching for her brother who pulled her into his arms. The young man glared at me. “You’re just like your brother,” he muttered.
“No, Luke.” Dad didn’t take his eyes off me as he spoke to the boy. “He’s not. He’s trying to force the issue because he knows it’s what’s best for your mother. Knox is used to having any orders he gives obeyed.”
“That doesn’t mean he can be mean to my mom or upset my sister.”
“Fuck,” I muttered. “I ain’t good at this.”
“No.” Luke gave me a look few men I knew had ever dared give me. He was angry, and I was the cause of his anger. “You’re not.”
“We can all stay at my house outside Riviera Beach.” Dad squeezed my shoulder before turning to Luke and Aneshya, kneeling down in front of them. “It’s been closed up for several years so we’ll have to get a few things to make it livable, but I think we can find what we need easily enough.”
“I’ll help.” I needed to make things right. “I’m sorry, Luke. Aneshya. I only want what’s best for your mother.”
“I can take care of myself.” Evelyn spoke so softly I almost didn’t hear her. When I turned my gaze to her, she ducked her head, her hands bunched in the blanket draped over her lap.
“You can. But everyone needs help sometimes. Now, it’s your turn. I’ll get some friends to help open up the house. I’ll see what everyone needs and have it delivered. In the meantime, you should strongly consider doing as Dr. Benedict told you. Stay here. Get IV antibiotics and steroids. Maybe you’ll be fine, and we can bring you home tomorrow.”
“I can’t leave my kids. They’ve been through something horrifying. They need me.”
“We’ll be fine, Mom.” Luke stood and took his mother’s hand. “I’ll look after Aneshya and Grandpa. If they need help, I’ll make sure they get it.”
“Honey, this isn’t your job.”
“I’m not a kid, Mom. Besides, I can do a much better job than Danny.”
Evelyn was silent for a long time, holding her son’s hand and rubbing the back of it gently. “You know he hates it when you call him by his first name.”
“Well, I ain’t callin’ him Dad.”
“I’ll tell Bullet you’re stayin’,” I said, taking out my phone.
“Who’s Bullet?” Luke asked, turning his head sharply in my direction.
“Sorry. Dr. Benedict. Bullet is, er, was his call sign. It’s how I’ve always known him.”
“And he’s a doctor.” I had to give Luke credit. The kid didn’t back down. He was demanding when it came to the people around his family. Kid was an alpha male in the making. “Named Bullet? Isn’t that like an oxymoron or something?”
I shrugged. “I didn’t give him the name. You’ll have to ask him.”
“Ask me what?” Bullet stepped into the room, a grin on his face.
“How’d you get the name Bullet?”
He shrugged. “Lots of reasons a person gets a name. It was the military.” He focused on Evelyn. “Now. I get why you don’t want to stay. I also happen to know Knox here has some medical supplies at his disposal, including oxygen if you need it. So, if you agree to let him stay with you, I’ll let you go home. Otherwise, you’ll stay here.”
“You can’t force me to stay. I’ll sign out against advice. Isn’t that what people do?”
He nodded. “Yeah, but I have the feeling I can get through to your son, and he’ll persuade you to stay.”
“You’d use my kids against me.” It wasn’t a question, and I wasn’t sure I liked how she teared up.
“Honey, I’m a doctor. I’ll do everything in my power to help someone who needs it. And you need it. So, if you won’t let Knox stay with you, I’ll have to get Luke here to guilt you into staying.” He shook his head, crossing his arms over his chest. “No one wants that, Evelyn.”
“Knox probably has other things to do.” She gripped Luke’s hand harder, and the young man, bless his heart, gripped her hands in both of his.