Page 13 of Watch Me
“What if we can’t wait two weeks?” I arch my eyebrow.
“Hypothetically?” He mimics my eyebrow arch, and I can’t contain my smile.
“Of course.”
“We will all likely touch you during the two weeks. It’s inevitable in the course of a day.”
They all touched me today. Blake and Noah touching the small of my back. Cooper taking my hand to lead me around. Seth brushing my hair from my face. I can’t help being greedy and longing for more. “But these two weeks will be all business?”
“Yes.” Seth smiles. “Unless you initiate.”
They’re giving me the power. My insides melt a little further. They’re trusting me, and in return, I’ll have to trust them, which is scary, but exciting too.
“I’d have these two weeks to consider this offer even if I sign those forms and take the signing bonus?” I want this, but what if they’re assholes, like Hunter? If he had a form like this, he would have taken advantage of me from day one. He never would have let me say no.
“Yes, you could take the signing bonus and then withdraw consent at any time. But I would hope that you wouldn’t go into this just for the money.” His eyes narrow on me as if trying to read if I’m that kind of person.
“If I decide to withdraw, I wouldn’t feel comfortable keeping the money,” I assure him. “Even if it’s for this signature and not for whatever type of relationship we have.”
“Good.” His eyes darken.
My breath catches. “Where do I sign?”
Chapter 5
The weekend dragged until Monday morning. My first official day of work.
I have copies of the consent forms they asked me to sign. Seth clarified these forms were just the initial paperwork. If and when we decide to move forward, that’s when we’d all sign a contract.
The signing bonus allowed me to go out and buy new clothes for this week. Everything on me is new, from my pencil skirt and blouse to the expensive underwear and garter belt holding up my silk stockings. Seth said things would be normal these first two weeks, but I can’t help the anticipation curling in my stomach. My new clothes make me feel decadent and sexy.
I made sure not to spend too much money, only enough that I know my paycheck will cover it. Just in case this doesn’t work out. I’d feel bad about taking their money just to sign some forms to say I wouldn’t come at them with sexual harassment charges for consensual sexual advances.
Especially when I really want those sexual advances.
A giddy feeling bubbles up within me as I step into the lobby with all the worker bees. The first day of my career.
Instead of talking to the receptionist, I walk past her to the elevator with my ID/access card. My big splurge clicks along the tile floors. I’ve never owned a pair of shoes that cost more than my usual monthly grocery budget, but these make me stand taller, straighten my shoulders, and feel like I can take whatever this day throws at me.
When I step out into the top floor lobby, I head for my desk. My desk. My office. Maybe even my men, if things work out right.
The doors are all closed this morning. I’m a little early, but I couldn’t wait any longer. I sit down and open a lower drawer to put my purse in. After I flick on the computer, I look through the other drawers in my desk. Pretty typical stuff. Pens, paper clips, a stapler, binder clips.
I lift a set of keys out and recognize some as drawer keys, but there are a few that look big enough for a door. I’m sure they’ll let me know what these are for.
“Early again. That’s good.” Blake’s voice drifts like a caress against my skin.
I turn in my chair to see him leaning against his office doorframe, watching me intently with those green eyes. My chest tightens.
“I’m eager to get started,” I say, pushing my hair behind my ears. This morning, I curled it and left it down, but I brought a few things to put it up as the day goes on. I kept my makeup light and natural.
Blake’s eyes darken before he nods. He steps forward. “We can start with a tour, and then each of us will have you for an hour to discuss what we expect of you.”
I swallow at the innuendo hiding in that statement and smile. Seth promised these two weeks were to get acquainted with the job and each of them, without the other duties to start. But my insides melt at the thought of spending one-on-one time with each of these men who admitted they want me.