Page 47 of The Stones We Cast
All night long, I felt like I was dreaming. Living in the clouds floating through heaven. Zeek carefully crafted a symphony, each moment a note played to perfection, harmonizing into a melody of love and tenderness. He had orchestrated the night with an attentiveness that spoke volumes of his feelings, every gesture a verse in the poem of our growing affection.
Down to his selection of music playing in the car. Each song had been intentionally selected, creating a backdrop to the romance that was blooming as beautifully as the bouquet of red roses he had waiting for me on the passenger seat. Their petals as lush and vibrant as the emotions swirling between us.
The bouquet was not just a cluster of flowers; it was a symbol of his deep affection for me, large and overwhelming, yet tender in its offering. My heart grew in love for him with each gesture. Something simple as him holding the door for me, his gaze lingering, an unspoken dialogue of admiration and anticipation. Then the elevator ride up to the rooftop restaurant became a canvas, our reflection captured in a selfie that he proudly set as his phone’s wallpaper—a testament to the moment we were sharing.
All night long he kept the wood of my yearning and swooning over him burning. His hand on my thigh was a gentle claim, a comforting presence that spoke of protection and intimacy.
After dinner, we drove through downtown Fort Lauderdale. The red lights of the city watched over us as we ventured to a new spot, a bakery that was introducing itself to the world. It was an unveiling, not just of culinary delights. My eyes threatened to expel tears of overwhelming love from the thoughtfulness Zeek continued to display all night.
Knowing all of my failed attempts to balance my love for sweets with a healthier nondairy lifestyle, he found a bakery that offered a tapestry of desserts, each paired with a wine that sang to my soul, from nondairy ice cream that whispered of forbidden pleasures to cakes that told tales of indulgence and restraint. It was an experience unlike any other, a shared adventure that allowed us to sit in a back booth cocooned in our own world, heads touching and lips moving.
In the soft glow of the bakery, amidst the aroma of sweet ingredients and the intimate setting, he asked me about my dreams, my vision for the future, our future.
My answer surprised me.
It spoke of nothing but the revelation of the change he’s evoked in me since I’ve been in his space for the past few months.
I wanted a life filled with love, growth, and a deepening bond with each other and our faith. There was no doubt that I saw a future with Zeek at its center, a testament to the depth of my love and the certainty of my commitment.
When it was his turn to answer, he was slow to speak. Doubt and uncertainty trying to root themselves where there was no soil. His past had been a shadow, a specter that haunted his hopes, but I was adamant and determined to make sure the words I spoke over and to him produced life.
I prayed that my words were a beacon, guiding him toward forgiveness and redemption for himself.
The night ended at the park across from his condo. Tonight, a local jazz band was serenading the neighbors. A perfect ending for a casual but memorable night. Talking and freely loving each other was the best date I ever had. No expectations other than being our true authentic selves. As we danced under a canopy of stars, I got so lost in his eyes. Enchanted by his true reflection, not marred by past mistakes but shining with the potential of what we could build together. My belief in him, my vision of our future, was a gift greater than any material offering.
Freely exposed.
Then, a kiss to end the perfect date was under the starlit sky. A silent promise of eternal love and a wild and crazy journey together.
“Here’s your food. Be careful, the plates are hot.” Our server had his hands full of entrees Crystal ordered. She practically ordered one of everything off the menu at Brandon’s Bistro. I stuck to the basics, shrimp and grits. The way my stomach was set up, I needed a safe choice.
Today was a big step for Crystal and me. Not only were we celebrating her reaching six months pregnant, we were also finding out the sex of our baby.
No Sunnie.
Just Crystal and I.
“Do you want to say grace with me?” Palm open and waiting, her head bowed and her lips began to give God praise for our meal.
I listened to every word she said. Watched the movement of her dark maroon painted lips. It’s crazy to see the wild hair growth she’s had throughout her pregnancy. Month one she sported a low pixie cut and now she had black curls crowning her head. So many things about her appearance had changed in the short months. She’s always been a gym rat, eating good and taking care of herself, but the hips and ass that sprouted from her body were beyond sinful.
Don’t even get me started on her breast that had tripled in size. My kid was going to have a field day nursing.
I knew what Crystal looked like naked pre-pregnancy, so I could only imagine what she was going to look like post-pregnancy.
A prideful smirk covered my face, easily hidden by my glass of mango lemonade. My baby mama was bad as fuck and my lady at home was equally fine. Maybe not the best thing to admit or think about, probably disrespectful, but at least I was consistent when it came to my preference in women.
“Are you not able to talk while you eat?” Mouth full of pecan praline french toast and her fork stabbing a sausage patty, Crystal’s tolerance of my presence was weaning.
Clearing my throat, I pushed around my food, unable to know where to even begin. Outside of doctor appointments, our paths never crossed… intentionally. She held grudges like no one I’ve ever seen. Her middle name should be ‘don’t fuck me over’ because if you did… mannnnn.
“This isn’t what I wanted to talk about but I’m curious to know…” I felt like I was going to regret asking this question, but I wanted to know. I mentioned my situation to my barber the other day and I got a thousand different opinions and unsolicited advice I never asked for. “Why haven’t you asked if we could be a family?”
Shocked, she went through several emotions with the last being so disgusted that she started coughing so bad that people thought she was going into labor from her red eyes. “Damn, Ezekiel. You know just what to say to take a girl’s breath away.”