Page 4 of Reign or Shine
“Yeah, Tallie called in a favor, well, it was more like blackmail if I’m being honest, because I do not fit the princess bill if you know what I mean.” I didn’t, but I let her continue rambling. “But here I am, a party princess for a day because I have trouble saying no to the people I love. What are the chances that some kid will barf on me today? Do royal kids do that, you think?”
Instead of answering any of her questions, I place two fingers under her chin and lift her head. Her lashes flutter as she looks up at me.
“What is your name?”
“Oh, duh. Sorry about that. You helped put a wig on me and we haven’t even introduced ourselves.” She extends her hand. “I’m Ellie. I’ll be princessing with you today.”
“Nice to make your acquaintance, Ellie. I’m…Henry.”
“Are you in character or is this just how you talk?”
“This is me,” I simply say, hoping that’s enough for her. I know my slight accent can throw people off.
“Very nice,” she sighs, more to herself than me. A comfortable silence stretches between us. Ellie is gazing at me, lost in her thoughts. I find this utterly charming. A smile breaks across my face, the first honest grin I’ve given in months.
Something shifts in the air.
Realizing that she’s been staring at me, Ellie blinks rapidly and takes a step back. “Oh, umm, sorry. I was…never mind. I just”—she holds up a hand, something I’m noticing she does a lot of—talking with her hands—“I just,” she draws the word out again, “need to finish getting ready. Yes, that’s it. I was told I needed sparkles on cheekbones and eyelids.”
“I think you look perfect.” The words are out before I know I’m going to say them. I can feel the apples of my cheeks getting red, but I mean them.
“Thank you. I was worried I wouldn’t do this Rapunzel costume justice but I think I’m pulling it off. It’s this wig. It’s magic, even if it is like five pounds of synthetic hair.”
Now I understood why the dress looked so familiar. My niece was obsessed with Tangled.
Yet now I was dying to know what she looked like with her real hair down and free. Would her hair be as wild as her laugh? The need to stay around her until the very end of the day so I could discover this was strong.
I have to make that happen. Somehow.
Wanting some time alone with Ellie, I motion to my guards for them to leave us. They both hesitate, giving me a stern look and arched eyebrows that silently questioned Are you sure? I give them a slight nod before turning back to Ellie.
I hear them leave but don’t turn to make sure. Carefully moving to the other side of the room so I could sit down, I straighten my cufflinks. Ellie wasn’t wrong in her assumption that I was dressed in costume—however this attire was the dress uniform I was expected to wear to all royal family events. I felt like a fraud and a fake every time I wore this finery.
I also wasn’t a prince.
Just a mere earl.
I would keep that little piece of information to myself. No need to freak her out just yet.
“So, Ellie, you’re a temporary princess for a day, what will you do with all that royal power?”
She snorts a laugh, twisting from her place in front of the mirror where she’s dabbing on something shimmery.
“This is trick question, right? Aren’t I obligated to say world peace?”
“I think that is more aligned to pageant winners.”
“Right, right,” she mumbles. I watch in fascination as she puckers her lips in thought. “Then I would definitely have to say climate change. I would add my royal voice and influence to that fight.”
Her answer impresses me. A sensation that feels like pride bursts through my chest.
“That’s a very noble cause.”
Ellie shrugs like it’s nothing, but I can see the glow of happiness in her eyes.
“Well”—she clears her throat, tilting her head just a little so her newly applied makeup catches the light—“my ‘regular job’”—she uses air quotes—“is as an adventure guide. Without the lush forests, rivers and wildlife I’d kinda be screwed.”
I take a step toward her and drape my arm over the back of the love seat that’s to the side of where Ellie is sitting, needing to be closer. There’s a pull here that I can’t deny.