Page 13 of Fated Angel
Colt looks thoughtful as they dart through the small invisible exit and head west. “Uriel certainly had a preference for the Middle East.”
Gabby shrugs. “He’s an angel. It would’ve been their stomping grounds back then.” She glances at Colt. “Which means demons probably hung out there, too.”
He casts her a glance, his lips twitching. “I may have been there once or twice.”
Curiosity tugs at Gabby, but she doesn’t say anything. There’s still so much about this sexy, enigmatic demon she wants to know, but something stronger tugs at her.
The next shard.
The sixth shard.
So she looks forward again, squinting as they fly toward the sun. Jerusalem isn’t far. They could have the second-last piece within the hour. She finds she’s already anticipating holding it. Almost craves it. Each one holds a flash of victory. Of power.
The promise of the tomorrows they’re fighting for.
They soar over the stretches of desserts, the flashes of vegetation and villages, cloaked and almost silent. Jerusalem appears within minutes, making Gabby’s breath hitch.
Descending, their wings cut through the warm afternoon air. The city’s sprawled out beneath them, a tapestry of history, culture, and mystery. From their vantage point in the sky, they can see the bustling markets, the populated squares, and the labyrinthine alleyways that weave through modern and ancient architecture.
Ahead, the skyline’s adorned with a mosaic of towering minarets, ornate church spires, and ancient synagogues reaching for the heavens, their diversity a symbol of the city's rich tapestry of faiths. They pass over the iconic landmarks, the Western Wall, and the Dome of the Rock, each one bringing them closer.
Gabby closes her eyes for a brief moment, connecting with the endless well of energy now thrumming through her. She opens them, pointing ahead as she holds the image that’s so clear it’s like she’s been there before. “It’s in a chapel. In the heart of Jerusalem.”
Colt nods, his lips now in a thin line. “We need to be alert. The cult could already be there seeing as they have the third stone.”
Gabby’s muscles tense and coil, thinking of the witch who was foolish enough to think she could outwit her. “Just like the others, they won’t stand a chance.”
Nothing will keep her from the obsidian. It’s hers.
She angles to descend, cold, black determination filling her veins, only for Colt’s hand to wrap around her arm. Gabby turns to him, anger flaring. “We don’t have time for your reservations, Colt?—”
He frowns, then glances down. “The cult’s already found the next shard,” he states flatly.
Gabby follows his gaze, registering what she’d clearly missed in her single-minded focus. The chapel she saw in her vision is just as she pictured. Built of pale stone, the ancient walls are painted amber by the setting sun. It stands amidst a garden filled with olive trees, their silver leaves rustling in the breeze. But that’s where the similarities end.
It’s not quiet or peaceful.
It’s teeming with people carrying guns.
Gabby scowls, her hand itching for a weapon. “They won’t have it for long.”
She angles for a sharp descent, only for Colt’s hand to grip tighter. “No, Gabby.”
Spinning around, she glares at him. “I’m not scared.”
“I am,” he says, his voice softening. “I don’t want to lose you, Gabby.”
She stills, leaving them both hovering in midair. For some reason, Colt’s words feel layered. As if he’s not just talking about fighting who-knows how many armed cultists. She floats closer to him, their wings barely moving as they hang, cloaked from the enemy below. “You don’t need to worry, Colt.”
He keeps his chocolate gaze steady. “Are you tired?”
She shakes her head. “No. This is too important.”
“Well, I’m exhausted, and my body is as human as yours,” Colt says, his hand sliding down to grasp hers. “Besides, we’re better off attacking under the cover of night. We’ll have the element of surprise. We should rest.”
Gabby hesitates. Waiting feels…wrong.
But she knows Colt’s asking this because he’s worried the obsidian is influencing her. He wants to see what she’ll choose.