Page 24 of Fallout
Well, if I hadn’t offended him before, I definitely have now. As he writes back, his nostrils flare and his cheeks turn a light shade of pink.
Great. I’ve made him mad. Now he’s going to be grumpy. Uh, and I have to spend the whole day with him because he’s basically in all my classes. And after school, I won’t get any relief.
The note lands back on my desk. Before I can read the note, I hear my name. I look up but realize it’s just a girl from the front. She’s glaring at me.
Of course Will likes Henley. Isn’t it enough that she has Parker? What does she have that I don’t? Uh… okay, fine. She’s pretty. But she’s got brown hair. How boring. But maybe boring is his type.
Will clears his throat, so I turn to look at him. He raises an eyebrow.
I look down at the note and read, You’re maddening, do you know that?
I write back, My only goal in life is to anger you. By the way, the blonde girl at the front thinks you’re out of my league.
When Will reads the note, he glares at me. I expect him to wad the note up and throw it in the trash, but he surprisingly writes back.
Why were you listening to her thoughts? You’re SUPPOSED to be blocking them out. And I am out of your league.
I bite my lip to stop the smile.
I thought Blaine was the cocky one. And I can’t help it. She thought my name. If I hear my name, I automatically turn to listen. Sorry that I’m not as good at being a supernatural as you. Maybe you are out of my league after all.
He sighs when he reads the note. I expect snark, but the furrow of his brows confuses me.
What is he thinking?
He writes back, and I hope whatever he says will give me insight into what he’s thinking, but it only confuses me further.
I’m not as good at being a supernatural as you think. Trust me, I’ve made my fair share of mistakes. Probably more than most. Today only proves you need practice now more than ever.
I groan.
Why do I have a feeling he’s going to become a tyrant now?
Back to the blonde… despite the fact that she’s a little arrogant, she’s pretty.
As soon as he reads the note, he wads up the piece of paper and gives me a look that causes my stomach to twist.
Yep… he’s out for blood.
Later that afternoon, once school ends, Will drives me to the park. I beg him to stop for food first—not because I’m hungry. I just know if he eats he will be in a better mood. He’s been in a foul mood all morning, ever since I mentioned the blonde.
Maybe I shouldn’t tease Will. It’s not his fault half the girls in our class are in love with him—of course they are. They don’t know him and know what a grouch he is.
I grin, thinking they probably wouldn’t care if he was grouchy. Will’s a supernatural and all supernaturals are attractive.
“Why are you smiling?” Will’s knuckles turn white on the steering wheel.
“Because I’m just so happy to be hanging out with my best friend,” I tease.
He scoffs. “Has anybody ever told you that you’re annoying?”
“You’re the only one who’s noticed.” I flutter my eyelashes at him. “It’s one of my many charms.”
“Charms.” He snorts. “Only you would think annoyance is a virtue.”
“Or maybe I’m only annoying to you,” I point out.
He nods. “It could be very well true. I swear, you were only sent here to torture me.”