Page 54 of Fallout
Parker’s face turns pink. “Yes, Mom.”
She grins, waving us from the room.
Parker leads me up the stairs to his bedroom and I’m reminded of the first time I came here. That was before I knew we were soulmates—before I even knew he was supernatural.
Parker glances at me out of the corner of his eye. “What are you thinking about?”
“The first time I came over here.”
He opens the door and motions for me to walk in first. “Ah, my family hasn’t changed. They are still on me about having a girl in my bedroom.”
I take a seat on the edge of his bed. “Back then, they didn’t mind if the door was closed.”
He sits down beside me. “Nah, I got yelled at for that after you left.”
I laugh, shaking my head. “I had the biggest crush on you then. I definitely wouldn’t have objected to you trying to put the moves on me.”
“I had a crush on you too.” He scoots closer. “I still do.”
I shake my head. “You may like me now, but you did not have a crush on me back then.”
“I way more than like you.” His blue eyes are intense as looks into my eyes. “I love you.” My heart skips a beat at his admission. “But back then, I did have a crush on you—I was just trying to convince myself that I didn’t. It didn’t work.”
It’s not Parker’s fault. Back then, he had no idea that I was his soulmate. Since wolves value their mates above all else, there is a no dating law in place. Though it’s not strictly enforced, it is strongly encouraged. People who have broken the law in the past only hurt themselves.
“Thank you for not dating anybody before me,” I say.
He shrugs. “It wasn’t difficult. You are the only girl I’ve ever thought was worth breaking the no dating law for.”
My breath gets caught in my throat.
Yeah, fate definitely got things right when it comes to the two of us.
Parker puts a little distance between us. I give him a questioning look.
“Just because the door is open doesn’t mean I won’t get in trouble for making out with you in my room,” he says.
I laugh. “I love your family.”
He grins, but the smile slips as he studies me. “Will helped you out of the classroom today.”
I nod, my smile slipping away. I hate that I can’t control my powers. I wish I could figure out how to block other’s thoughts. It makes me feel like a failure that I can’t figure it out.
“Does that mean the two of you have made up from your disagreement?” Parker asks.
I shrug. “When it comes to Will, I’m never sure of where I stand with him. He had a legit reason to be mad at me.”
“And you won’t tell me what his reasons are?” Parker gives me a hopeful look.
I shake my head. “Sorry. It’s private. But it was my fault. I’m still learning how to use my stupid powers and I heard something I shouldn’t have.”
“He’s mad because you read his thoughts?” His voice is low and growly like it usually gets when he’s upset about something.
I wave a hand. “It’s not a big deal.”
“He shouldn’t be mad at you for something you can’t control—”
I cut him off. “But I should be able to control it. I know it. Will knows it. Even you know it, but you’d never admit it because you’re my soulmate and you’re supposed to be on my side.”