Page 63 of Fallout
“Weird like what?” He takes a bite of his burger, nearly eating a fourth of the thing in one bite.
“Uneasiness, maybe.” I try to feel for the emotion, but it’s not strong. It’s just barely there, but I can feel it. “It’s weird, though. It almost feels like the emotion isn’t mine.”
Blaine nods. “It might be Parker.”
My eyes widen. “What do you mean?”
He swallows another bite before answering. “It’s possible for the mate bond to start solidifying before it’s completed. It’s like nature’s way of trying to push the couple to complete the bond. Since you and Parker aren’t getting married anytime soon, the bond is trying to push you along.”
I swallow hard. “Oh. But we’re only eighteen.”
Blaine shrugs. “You are thinking like a human when you’re a supernatural. Eighteen isn’t too young to marry for a supernatural—not when soulmates are involved. Shifters treat the bond with reverence. When the bond says you’re ready, you’re ready.”
I snort. “Somebody should tell my dad that.”
Though I do contemplate his words.
Am I ready to get married now? Right away, I want to deny it. But maybe I am thinking too much like a human. It’s not like Parker and I are going to change our minds in five years—we’re soulmates. That kind of bond doesn’t ever go away—Blaine’s parents are proof of that.
“Parker and I are going to be together forever,” I say. “So I get where you’re coming from.”
“Your dad will eventually cave.” Blaine stuffs the last of the burger in his mouth. “It’s just hard on him because you’re his only kid. And after he lost his mate, I imagine he’s scared of losing you in a different way. Once you and Parker get married, you’ll move in with him for good. And you’ll have kids and your own life. It’s just the way things are.”
I nearly choke when he mentions children. “We’re eighteen. It’s a little too soon to start talking about children.”
“Marriage and children go together.” Blaine shrugs, then gives me a serious look. “You do know that birth control doesn’t work for shifters, right?”
My jaw drops open. “What?”
He nods. “Why do you think Parker has so many siblings? Mrs. Throne cried when she found out she was pregnant with Carson. Don’t tell him though. She’s happy about him now. But at the time, she was pretty distraught.”
I make a sound that is somewhere between a cry and a laugh.
That is all the more reason to wait to marry Parker. Because while I am certain that I want to be with him for the rest of my life, I know I’m not ready to be a mom yet. Just the thought makes me feel sick to my stomach. I hear a buzzing sound, but my vision narrows and I can’t see anything other than the pattern of my skirt, and even that is a bit fuzzy.
“Are you going to get that?” Blaine asks.
I try to choke out a response, but nothing comes out.
He swipes my phone off the table and presses it to his ear, “Hello.” Pause. “She’s fine.” Pause. “Well, not fine, fine. She’s freaking out.” He pauses, his blue eyes never leaving mine. “It’s my fault. She’s not in danger. I just… kind of told her that birth control doesn’t—” his voice abruptly cuts off and he winces. “Yeah, I know I should’ve let you tell her. I thought she already knew.” Pause. “Fine. I’ll tell her.” He ends the call, putting my phone on the table in front of me.
I manage to take a shaky breath. “Was that Parker?”
He nods. “He felt you freaking out, which confirms you two are feeling each other’s emotions. He is on his way now to calm you down.”
I rub my hands over my face, frustrated that Parker’s on his way back. He has alpha duties. He can’t just run to me every time I have a mild panic attack.
Blaine pats my shoulder. “It’ll be okay, Henley. Trust me, Parker can be a good mate and a good alpha.”
I peer up at him. “How did you know what I was thinking? Are you a mind reader now too?”
He chuckles. “No. But I do know you. And you’re easy to read.”
“How can he be a good leader and a good mate?” I ask. “It seems like he’d have to choose. And it’s worse because I’m not part of the pack.”
Blaine cocks an eyebrow. “You are part of the pack, even if you don’t believe it. My wolf has thought of you as pack since that day you came to hang out at Parker’s house. You heard my parents fighting and you tried to distract me by flirting with me, even though it made Parker mad.”
I laugh. I did do that. Parker got so mad. At the time, I couldn’t figure out what I had done to make him upset. Now I know, he was simply jealous, even if he had no reason to be. I love Blaine, but not like that.