Page 8 of Fallout
“I just realized that I’m now going to have to listen to a bunch of teenage girls thinking about how delicious Blaine’s abs are—it’s going to make me sick.” I wrinkle my nose at the thought. “They were bad enough already when it comes to him. It’s going to be unbearable.”
Will dramatically rolls his brown eyes. “What is their obsession with Blaine? He’s not that good looking.”
I raise an eyebrow at him, questioning his judgment.
Parker growls.
I shoot him an amused look. “What?”
“Maybe you could not use the words Blaine’s abs and delicious in the same sentence,” he says, his voice sounding extra low and gruff.
I can’t help but giggle. “But I didn’t say that I find his abs delicious.” I pause, then add, “Though I don’t really have anything to compare them to.”
Will groans. “Can you not flirt in front of me? I’m going to vomit.”
Parker smirks at me. “If you wanted to see me with my shirt off, all you had to do was ask.”
My cheeks grow warm as I realize that, yes, I did just tell Parker that I want to see him with his shirt off. And in front of Will.
Deciding there is no point in being embarrassed, I smile. “I don’t want to tempt Will’s weak stomach, but maybe after he leaves.”
Parker laughs hard and Will lets out his breath in an annoyed huff.
“Next time, I’m going to let you hit your head,” Will threatens.
“That might be a scary threat if I didn’t know you were lying. You caught me even when you hated me.” I worry my bottom lip between my teeth. “By the way, thank you for catching me. And carrying me out of class. The last thing I needed was for them to take me to the hospital.”
“It’s no problem.” He stuffs his hands into the front pocket of his jeans. “But it can’t keep happening. You have to learn how to control these powers of yours.”
I look away from him, guilt eating at my stomach.
He’s right. I can’t just depend on everybody else to rescue me. It’s important to learn how to be a supernatural. The problem is, I have no idea where to start.
Parker sighs. “Will is right—you do need to practice. Unfortunately, I still need to help my dad. I got distracted and he needs help.”
“Really?” My shoulders slump as I look into his blue eyes.
Since we found out we were mates, everything has felt a bit like a whirlwind. We hardly get to spend time together anymore and now his dad needs him. I know his alpha duties are important, but I miss my mate.
“I’m sorry.” He runs his hands down my arms, making me shiver. He smirks at my reaction. “I want to be with you more than anything, but this is really important. And since you won’t be going back to school today, I know you’ll be safe. Will has volunteered to look after you.”
I glance over at Will and see the scowl on his face. I’m not sure if I believe Parker that Will volunteered to be on babysitting duty. Will sees me watching him and he lifts an eyebrow in question.
I clear my throat and look back at Parker. “Will I at least see you later tonight?”
He hesitates. “I don’t know. It depends on how today goes. If it’s not too late, I promise I will stop by your house.”
I let out a breath slowly and nod. I try hard not to let the disappointment show on my face, but Parker can read me better than anybody else.
He leans forward and kisses the tip of my nose. “You know I’d prefer to be with you instead of my dad.”
He’s right. It’s not like he asked for this.
“Am I really that poor of company?” Will asks.
I’d worry that I hurt his feelings if I didn’t see the bored expression on his face.
“If the option is you or Blaine, I’ll take you today. I think I prefer cynical over flirty,” I tease.