Page 10 of Captivating Anika
Shit. My window to catch Anika by herself never materialized.
Change of plans.
“Give me one minute,” I tell him, reaching for Anika’s hand and pulling her a few steps toward the back door.
“What are you doing?” she demands to know.
“What time are you done?”
She looks a little startled as she answers me. “Hoping to close up at six. Why?”
“Because I stopped by to see you this morning, hoping we could have a chat. But we can have one over dinner, I’ll be here at six.”
Before she has a chance to object, I slip past her, ignore the curious looks her employees throw me, and follow Evans out the front door. He’s waiting for me, leaning against the side panel of his cruiser.
He points at my face. “You wanna press charges for assault?”
“Is it gonna help her case?”
Bill shrugs. “Not gonna hurt it.”
“Okay, then I’ll press. Whatever it takes to get that cocksucker what he deserves for what he did to that woman.”
“I hear you, brother. The bastard worked her over good. Her whole body is one big fucking bruise.”
I shove my clenched fists in my pockets, afraid I’ll take a swing at the side of the police cruiser otherwise.
“You’re gonna keep him locked up?” I grind out.
“Yes, at the very least until his arraignment hearing on Monday. He’ll likely be out on bail, but the judge will automatically slap a restraining order on him.”
I tilt my head toward the salon. “Is that restraining order gonna include the salon and those who work here? Because when I pulled up this morning, it was Anika he was ready to put his hands on. It wouldn’t surprise me when he comes out on Monday, he’s gonna take out his anger on her.”
“Yeah, it would. Not just because it’s her place of work, but also because she’s apparently staying in the apartment above.”
I look up at the building and the two windows on the second floor. I wasn’t aware Anika had offered up her old apartment. I guess it’s been empty since she moved out last year.
“Well…” Evans pushes away from the cruiser and digs his keys from his pocket. “I should head into the station and have a chat with Mr. Cooper. Will you have time to come in for a statement today?”
“I’m around this morning. What time is good?”
May as well get this over with while I’m in town.
“Can you give me two hours?”
That’ll give me time to pick up Franco’s coffee, a few things for myself, and stop in at the dealership.
I’m just getting behind the wheel of my truck when a text message comes in. It’s from Anika.
About dinner; it’s been a long week and all I really want to do is go home and relax.
It doesn’t really surprise me. I had a gut feeling she might try to avoid me and I have no one but myself to blame. It serves me right for avoiding her for almost a year. But I’m not going to be that easily put off.
Even better. I’ll meet you there and I’ll bring dinner.
Her response doesn’t come right away. I’m at the traffic light, waiting to turn left toward the dealership when my phone chimes with an incoming message.