Page 51 of Captivating Anika
“I don’t. I want to stay because of you.”
She doesn’t seem to have a response to that, but when I have to brake for a stop sign a minute later and glance over, she’s trying hard not to smile.
I’m feeling a little guilty I actually enjoyed the day.
The piglets were still adorable, and when Hog went inside, packing a few things, Franco showed me around his vegetable fields and small greenhouse. He handed me a box and told me to pick what I wanted. I was modest at first, but he encouraged me to take more.
I ended up walking away with a box full of fresh spinach, arugula, asparagus, beets, baby greens, sugar snap peas, and onions. It was a blast.
Of course the fun ends now, driving to my parents for the obligatory dinner. I’m actually nervous and bouncing my leg. As Hog pulls up in front of the house, he drops his hand on my knee, giving it a squeeze.
“Relax. It’ll be fine. Bringing your mother some of those vegetables is a nice touch I’m sure she’ll appreciate.”
He leans over and kisses the side of my head.
“Come on, the sooner we get in there, the sooner we can leave. I’m feeling a lot more energetic tonight.”
Despite the nerves in my stomach, I burst out laughing.
“You’re about as subtle as a two-by-four between the eyes,” I tell him.
I’m about to get out of the truck when my phone rings.
“It’s Bill.”
Those nerves in my stomach are now for another reason altogether. I’m afraid to answer.
Hog motions at my phone. “Answer it, Sweetheart. Could also be good news. Either way, better to know than to wonder.”
He’s right, I won’t have a moment’s rest until I know. I answer and put the call on speaker.
“Did you find her?” is my first question.
“Not her. Her car though. Question; do you know if Kim was an outdoorsy kind of person?”
“Outdoorsy?” I echo, trying to mentally apply that descriptive to Kim and failing.
“Water activities in particular,” Evans clarifies. “She never mentioned the paddle rentals at Lake Nighthorse?”
“No. Is that where you found her car?”
“The parking lot.”
“I have no idea what she would want there.”
I look at Hog, whose steady hand, still on my knee, and calm eyes ground me as I ask a question I’m not sure I want the answer to.
“Was there any sign of her? Her purse or phone or something?” I mentally add evidence of violence to that list, but I’m afraid to voice it.
“We’re still looking into that. The tow truck is loading up the car as we speak so we can have a closer look at it in the lab.”
Not exactly the answer I was hoping for, which would’ve been a resounding no, but I guess it’s all he’s willing to share.
“Anyway,” Evans cuts short. “I’d best get going, but is the salon open tomorrow? I’d like to pop in and see what, if anything, your other employees might know.”
I guess he can use my office for some privacy.