Page 54 of Captivating Anika
Dad looks shocked and Mom is pressing a hand to her chest.
“I started having some aches and pains a few years back. Nothing major at first, but at some point annoying enough to visit Dr. Randall.”
“What? I just went to see him last week, he didn’t say a thing,” Mom announces.
I can’t control the laugh bubbling up, which isn’t really helping my situation. Trin smiles and throws me a wink.
“Mom, when’s the last time Doc Randall discussed either Anika’s health—or mine for that matter—with you since we were children? Never. Exactly. It’s not his place to share stuff like that with you.”
I bulge my eyes at him. As grateful as I am for him taking a stand for me, the irony does not escape me, and that’s me being kind. My brother is being a huge-ass hypocrite since it was not his place sharing my stuff with Mom and Dad either, but he did.
He catches my expression and shrugs.
“Can we get back to this diagnosis? You saw Dr. Randall,” Dad prompts.
“He sent me for some tests, which led to several visits with specialists, but I won’t bore you with the details. Then I finally ended up with a rheumatologist, who made the diagnosis. She had me try a few medications until we found what worked. In addition, I’ve been making some adjustments in my life—diet, exercise, rest, balance—to make sure the effects of both the RA and the fibro have a minimal impact on my day-to-day existence.”
To my surprise my family lets me get through that litany without further interruption. Relieved to have it off my chest, I lean into Hog, who immediately wraps an arm around me and tucks me firmly to his side.
“Exactly how long have you known about this?” Bodhi inquires sharply.
Hog’s arm tightens on my shoulder. He knows as well as I do, this is the part that will upset my family most.
“I was diagnosed about a year ago.”
Mom surges to her feet and braces her hands on the table.
“Did you say a year?”
Good God.
My heart is skipping erratically and my chest feels tight with every fucking breath I take, but even if it’s the last one I draw, I will die a happy man. With my eyes wide open though, I’m determined not to miss a second of Anika riding me.
I’m propped up against the pillows, my arms up and my hands grabbing on to the edge of the headboard. Anika has her arms stretched behind her and her hands braced on my knees, as she slides up and down my cock. Her neck and back are arched, her tits bouncing, and I’m the lucky bastard with a front-row seat.
“Ahh, yeah…” she moans, trembling with the effort to keep her rhythm.
With my nails digging into the wood, I fight the urge to take over. I don’t want to disrupt the torture she is putting me through, it’s absolute fucking bliss.
I feel the walls of her pussy pulsing, and my balls pull tight in response.
“You’re killing me,” I gasp, clenching my jaw so hard, I’m afraid I’ll break my damn teeth.
The words have barely left my mouth when she suddenly surges up and forward, plants her hands on my chest, and starts riding me hard and taking me deep.
I can narrowly hold on, and the moment I feel her pussy clamp down on me, I let go. It’s not until she collapses on my chest, I release the headboard, wrapping her up in my arms.
Sheer fucking perfection.
Anika is the first to move, and I reluctantly release her so she can go to the bathroom. She returns a few minutes later, wearing a robe. She walks over, puts a knee on the mattress, and leans in for a brief kiss.
“I’m going to put some coffee on, why don’t you have a shower first?” she suggests. “Franco will probably be here soon, and I don’t have to go in until noon.”
That’s right too, Franco is picking me up. I’d better get my ass in gear. I’d almost forgotten after waking up with Anika’s lips wrapped around my dick. When I tried to take over, she said she wanted to run the show, so I sat back and let her. Damn, the woman knows what she’s doing. I’m gonna have no issue letting her take the reins whenever the mood hits her.