Page 73 of Captivating Anika
I almost feel guilty talking about Kim like that, but I don’t have the wherewithal to try and explain everything now. I ask them to give me a rundown of their work history.
Half an hour later, Fergie is working on their first client. A walk-in looking for a trim. Landon looks smitten—which is interesting—Molly has a hard time not gawking, and Monique seems indifferent, but then nothing much fazes her.
The morning passed quickly. I only had two clients scheduled, but both were lengthy appointments. One for full highlights and the other wanted new extensions. It gave me a chance to observe Fergie at work. They definitely have a disarming personality, which helps break through any initial awkwardness, and they seem to know what to do with a pair of scissors. Added bonus is, they seem to work at a decent clip.
After showing out Brianna, happy with her new extensions, I head for my office to take a little break before my next appointment shows. I bump into Molly, who is coming from the supply room where she’s been stocking the shelves with the Olaplex delivery.
“Were you able to get it all organized? Was there room?”
“A little tight, but I was gonna ask you if you wanted me to put out some of the new line of products on the shelving by the cash register?”
“By all means, if you can make it fit, but why don’t you do that after you take your lunch break?”
I duck into the fridge, grab a bottle of water, and the containers of yogurt and mixed berries, carrying it into my office.
I almost drop it all on the floor when I find Hog relaxing in my office, his boots propped up on the open bottom desk-drawer. There’s a brown bag I recognize as from the Thai fusion food truck up the street.
“What are you doing here?”
He immediately gets up and cups the back of my head with one of his hands, pulling me in for a kiss.
“I thought I’d report in person instead of text, and hoped you might be free for lunch.”
I dump the stuff in my hands on the desk and loop my arms around his neck.
“Your timing is impeccable; I was just taking a break.” I glance over at the brown bag on my desk. “What did you bring me?”
“Chicken satay buddha bowl with peanut sauce.”
My stomach instantly rumbles, and I show my gratitude by lifting up on my toes and pressing my mouth to his. His arms band around me, lifting me up higher as his tongue slides between my lips.
I can feel his deep groan reverberating in his chest, as I tighten my hold on his neck and wrap my legs around his waist.
“Holy hotness. Yikes…I’m sorry…”
Hog and I simultaneously snap our eyes to the door to see Fergie backing out. I immediately lower my feet to the ground and turn around, partially shielding Hog, whose growing erection did not go unnoticed.
“I’ll just go…” Fergie jerks their thumb toward the salon.
“That’s okay,” I stop them. “I may as well introduce you two, since you’ll probably see him around more often. Fergie, this is Hog, my…”
I hesitate only because to call someone like Hog a boyfriend is simply not doing him justice, and calling him my man sounds so…predatory.
“Boyfriend,” he solves it for me, reaching over my shoulder to offer Fergie his hand.
It doesn’t sound half as diminutive from his mouth.
“Nice to meet you. You must be the new hairdresser,” my boyfriend continues.
If I didn’t already think he was pretty much perfect, the way he handles meeting Fergie—without skipping a beat—makes me fall even harder.
“That I am,” Fergie confirms. “And the boyfriend part was pretty obvious when I walked in.
“For which, again, I’m sorry,” they direct at me. “I didn’t realize someone else was here.”
“No worries,” I try to move things along. “Did you need me for something?”