Page 37 of Sing Your Secrets
I didn’t actually build a pillow wall on the bed. All I want between Miles and me tonight…is sweat. He’s going to want to write a song about what I plan to do to him. I might even have to call in sick to work tomorrow because if this man fucks like he sings, I’m probably going to need all damn day to sleep it off.
The faint squeak of my shower handle—that I need to call building maintenance to repair—tells me Miles is done showering. True to his word, he kept it quick. Good. I’ve been holding my breath for the past two hours he’s been here in anticipation. I was ready to jump his bones a couple weeks ago when we first met. Now, I’m nearly delusional with what can only be described as primitive lust. I refuse to be called out for it. There’s nothing wrong with a woman who has a healthy sex drive.
He opens the door and pokes his head through. His hair has a slight curl when it’s wet. “May I borrow a little of your toothpaste and mouthwash?”
“Of course.”
He disappears behind the door again. Good call. Rummaging through my nightstand, I find an old pack of Listerine breath strips and help myself to two. They’ve barely dissolved on my tongue by the time he exits my bathroom, smelling like my citrus body wash. He’s turned his boxers inside out but is shirtless. He laughs when I cover my eyes with my hand, but then split my fingers, very obviously checking him out.
“Wow,” I say unapologetically as I scour his broad chest and tight abs like I’m a lioness and he’s my dinner. I count in a mumble while he laughs at me. “There really are six of them. Good for you.”
He points to the pile of pillows on the floor. “I see you made no progress.”
I teeter my head from side to side as I pull back the covers to show him my pajamas are low-cut cheeky panties and a thin white tank top—no bra. “The more I considered it, they’d just be in our way.”
His eyes fall to my chest, and he sucks in a deep breath and then groans miserably. He sits down next to me on the edge of the bed, but the way his body seems stiff and on guard, I have a feeling this isn’t going to go the way I want.
“Reese, I’ve only met you twice—”
“Accurate,” I reply.
“I already like you.”
“Cool story. Same here.” I place my hand on his bare thigh.
“So, um…it turns out I might be staying in town a little longer than I thought.”
“Really?” I can’t hide the intrigue in my voice.
“Yeah. I wanted to take you up on your offer to meet up again when we first met, but I didn’t want to lead you on because I wasn’t planning on staying in Denver. But I um…very recently decided to stick around, so,” he catches my hand that’s sliding up a little closer to his crotch, “I’d like to do this the right way. Can I take you out first?”
“Ugh.” I snap my fingers in his face. “Snap out of it, Miles. Don’t go all gentleman on me. I’m not a girl that needs to be wined and dined. Sex is just not that big of a deal to me.”
His eyes narrow slightly as he smolders—which is sending all sorts of confusing signals to my lady business. He practically growls at me, “If you think sex isn’t a big deal, you’re not doing it right. Good sex should make you crazy, obsessive, and thirsty for it at all hours of the day. It’d be a huge deal with me.”
I blink at him, thoroughly unamused. “If you don’t want to have sex right now, don’t say shit like that to me.”
“It’s not that I don’t want to. The things I want to do to you right now…” he says, tucking my hair behind my ears. “You wouldn’t be able to walk or think straight for days.”
“That’s a lot of talk,” I grumble as I lay back on my pillow, extremely uncomfortable. I’m pretty sure he’s shutting this down, but I have to cross my legs to control the hot swell between my thighs because clearly, they didn’t get the cease and desist memo downstairs.
Planting his hand on the mattress to support his weight, Miles hovers over me. “I have to be honest, you caught me while I’m kind of down and out.”
He blows out a slow breath, stalling, like he’s reluctant to say what’s next. “The truth is I moved home because I couldn’t afford to live in L.A. anymore. I’m living rent free in my cousin’s basement. Restoring The Garage is a pity job they gave me to help me get my massive debt under control.” He looks away, but I’m still locked on his hazel eyes. “A lot of the girls I’ve met come at me because they think they’re getting in on the ground level of fame. I’m not sure if I’ll ever get there. I want to be clear that dating me involves ramen noodles and whatever is free to stream on Netflix. Are you honestly into that?”
The sad look on his face instantly kills my libido. Not because his sexy toned abs and broad back with all the smooth, defined muscles are any less enticing, it’s because I just want to focus on making him feel better. The music industry is war, and I’m starting to think Miles was a casualty.
Maybe we don’t need to hook up right now.
Maybe we just need something different…
“I’m into it, Miles. I’m partial to beef.”
He screws up his face, confused by my response. “What?”