Page 82 of Sing Your Secrets
“My girl is the same way.” Petey points to the bricks behind the couch and my stomach drops twenty floors as the realization sinks in. He outlines the heart with his fingers. “I painted this for her like ten years ago, right before a sold-out show here—to mark a memory.” He chuckles fondly. “Tacky, isn’t it? Young, dumb kids in love.”
I stare at the initials, remembering the conversation from the first time I met Reese and she showed me this same graffiti. I kept it because I thought it was charming. Now I wish I would’ve smashed these bricks apart. I think back, trying to remember what she told me, and if she purposely kept this from me…
“So, you must be RR. Who is PM?”
“Just puppy love…he’s long gone. But RR is indeed me. Reese Reyes.”
“You’re PM?” I ask, nearly choking on my words.
“Yep. Peter Mills.”
“And RR is your girlfriend?”
“It’s complicated, but yeah.” Petey raises his brows at me. “That’s right, you said you were tight with Mac. It’s his daughter, Reese. You know her?”
I tuck my thumbs inside my fists as the sick feeling of betrayal paints my insides.
“Yeah…” I swallow the dry lump in my throat. “I know her.”
Or at least, I thought I did.