Page 91 of Sing Your Secrets
“I think he likes chicken noodle, or chicken and rice. Why?”
“Where are you guys?”
“Westlake in LoDo. The penthouse.”
“Of course the penthouse,” he mutters bitterly. “All right, give me an hour. I’ll swing by the grocery store and drop off some soup.”
I wanted Miles to be understanding…this is a leap past understanding. It’s supportive. “Are you serious?”
“Is this because you’re worried and want to mark your territory?”
He snorts. “You think I’d fight a sick man?”
“Is that so crazy? You’re not at all intimidated by the fact that he’s Petey?”
My FaceTime ring sounds and I immediately answer his video call. Miles’s handsome face and warm smile fill my screen. He’s behind the bar at The Garage. Full bottles of liquor surround him. “Hey, you.” I swoon into the phone. “You shaved.” His lack of beard exposes his sweet youthful face. I think Miles uses his beard to play dress up—a man twice his age.
“Hey you, back. And yeah, I forgot.” He touches his smooth cheek. “What do you think?”
“You’re sexy with and sexy without.”
Miles stares into my eyes for a bit, just watching me blink. For a moment I think our connection is frozen, but then he speaks. “You want the truth on whether I’m intimidated by Petey?” he asks.
I look over my shoulder to make sure the coast is clear. “Yeah.”
“Of course, I’m intimidated, but acting insecure and jealous is only going to drive you away, right?”
Maybe…depends.I raise my shoulders and drop them, unable to come up with a better response.
“Then my strategy is to treat you so damn well that you’ll never think about another man again. Petey has your past, but I’m your future, Reese. And I’m trusting that you’re an eyes-forward kind of girl.”
I wonder if he can hear my heart pounding through the phone. Maybe he can see the warmth fill my cheeks. I wonder if he knows how well his words wrap around me and hold me tight, making me feel so damn secure. A far cry from my past relationship.
“I think I lo—really like you, Miles.” My cheeks go from warm to burning with embarrassment.
He bursts out laughing. “Whoops,” he says, pointing at me with a glib smile. “Careful there. Almost slipped, sweetheart.” Miles winks. Slip or not, it’s pretty obvious how I feel. I’m not ashamed of it, just a little scared. Falling in love feels so good. The aftermath, however…I’ve only known one version. “I’ll see you soon.”
The minute our connection ends, the door to the master bedroom creaks open. Petey, moving like molasses, makes his way through the door. His brows lift when he sees me. He’s clearly surprised I’m still here. “Thought you were heading out?”
“Thought I told you to stay in bed and rest.”
Clearing his throat, he grimaces. “I ran out of water.” He rubs the back of his neck. “And I’ve been lying down for too long.”
I pat the couch cushion next to me but hop up immediately. “Sit down, I’ll get it for you.” Rummaging through his junk-filled fridge, I find a cold bottle of water and return to Petey.
“Thanks.” He takes a sip and sighs like he’s relieved. “Who was that?” he asks, nodding at my phone.
“The Garage manager?”
“Mhmm. He’s going to swing by and drop you off some soup. Is that okay?”
Petey narrows his eyes. “That’s nice,” he mumbles. “Why?”
I should tell him. Right here and now—clear the air. Miles is with me and I’m with him. But at the moment, I have a lot of unanswered questions about what Petey wants…what he’s doing here…what’s going to happen with my dad… And I don’t feel like now is the time to be vulnerable with him.