Page 47 of Whistleblower
“What’s up, Callen?” Eden says as she enters a moment later.
I fucking love casual Fridays. I used to think it was a stupid office tradition, but Eden’s frayed denim jeans hug her hips just right. She’s wearing an FBI athletic t-shirt, which only makes me want to rip it off of her that much more…
I silently curse the stupid, metaphorical closed door. But what can I do? I’m pretty sure it’s deadbolted shut. Eden’s been polite and cordial, but there’s no evidence that she’s changing her mind about how she feels about me.
“Did you see this email?” Callen asks, holding up the paper.
“Um, yes—and I’ve read it,” she says. “You sent it to me this morning, twice.”
“Why is no one else ecstatic? Our budget has tripled. What do you want? Company cars? New guns? Some PALADIN merch?” All he gets in return is unimpressed stares. He grumbles like a scorned child as he grips the table and hunches over, hanging his head. “You guys are the worst crowd. Fine, if nothing else, two rounds on me tonight.”
Eden steps forward and touches Callen’s shoulder sweetly. Every blood cell in my body fills with hot jealousy. It’s almost unbearable, so I have to cross my arms over my chest to keep my physical reaction from exploding. I kissed her, I touched her…and now I don’t want anyone else touching her, even if she’s not mine.
Lance did warn me… She’s Callen’s girl.
“Congratulations, boss,” she says playfully then turns to us. “I’m really glad you’re getting some credit. You all deserve it.”
Callen winks at her and says, “You deserve it. You’re doing great work, Eden. I think we can all agree this place is that much more tolerable because of you.”
She curtsies sarcastically before she addresses the room. “I hope you all have a lovely weekend.” Pointing at Cricket she continues, “Stay out of trouble. I’ll see you guys on Monday, and as always, my door is open.”
“Don’t you mean tonight?” I ask, the words spilling out before I can stop them.
Eden makes eye contact with me but her normally enthusiastic smile is lackluster. “Pardon?”
I glance at Callen and then at Eden. “Don’t we have the obligatory outing?”
“Right, yes,” Callen chimes in. “Drinks tonight at that lounge uptown called Martinis. I reserved a section.”
This morning, when Vesper told me to oblige Callen’s invitation for drinks with the team, I was close to telling her to shove it up her ass. Then, I remembered the “team” includes Eden. But much to my disappointment, she shakes her head.
“I think I’m going to sit this one out. I’m not feeling so well.”
“Is that allowed?” Lance asks, perking up in his chair. “I’m with Eden. I’m also going to sit this one out because I’m not feeling so well.”
Vesper points at his forehead. “You’re going.” She turns a kind gaze on Eden. “We hope you feel better. Let someone know if you need anything. You’re one of us now, and we take care of our own.”
“Thank you.” She nods, and adds with a wink, “You guys will have so much more fun without HR anyway.”
“Ha!” Callen laughs. “Even you’re saying it now. It’s official, Eden’s HR.”
She sticks her tongue out playfully at Callen, and with that, she leaves the meeting room, taking my enthusiasm for this evening with her.
I am spoiled rotten at The Residences—the luxury apartment that Callen set up for me when I first relocated. It’s meant to be temporary—until I can find a house—but the real estate market here is a nightmare, and I’m in no rush to leave.
My apartment is on the forty-second floor. The entire back wall of the living room is a giant window, overlooking the cityscape of high rises as far as the eye can see. Yes, the elevator ride up feels like the beginning of the Tower of Terror ride at Disney World, but once you’re no longer accelerating at, what seems like, eighty miles an hour, the view from up here is peaceful and astonishing.
I feel like I’m on top of the world—above it all. Safe from it all. The monsters can’t get me up here.
The apartment itself is tiny. Barely over 800-square-feet, it’s a vast difference from my 3,000-square-foot, two-story back in California. But who needs that much space when it’s just me? I like this apartment, it suits me well and I’m treated to all the amenities here. I even have weekly housekeeping, not that I leave them much to do.
Using my key fob, I unlock the electronically activated door. I step out of my flats in the entry and appreciate the feel of the cool wood floors against my feet. After hanging up my purse, I make my way to the kitchen to put a kettle of water on. My guilty pleasure is instant, decaf coffee with Kahlua and Hershey’s syrup and tonight is the night for indulgences.
I try to ignore the image in my head of Linc’s wounded expression when I insisted on not attending tonight’s outing. I’m sure the doctor will be there, so he should be thoroughly entertained. Judging by the animalistic noises I heard coming out of that office, they—clearly—know how to have a good time.