Page 49 of The Secret to a Southern Wedding
“Why you say it like that?”
She cocked her head to the side. “There you go minding my business now.”
Brian chuckled and shook his head. “Y’all damn Get Fresh Crew. You three were always hot-tempered.”
“Better believe it. Now show me the plants.” She softened the words with a smile.
Brian grinned and nodded. “Come on, take a look.”
A truck pulled into the drive as they walked to the back of Brian’s vehicle. Imani recognized it from the day she’d foolishly thought she could bike from her house to the path out to the lake as if two decades hadn’t passed since she’d last been on a bike. Cyril pulled up next to them.
Their gazes met through the windshield. Imani’s breath caught in her throat. She’d almost pushed the kiss to the side this morning. Revisiting it repeatedly the night before while talking to Tracey about the reasons why she should or shouldn’t go ahead and sleep with Cyril helped her to wake up and think clearly. Last night she’d just about convinced herself that the potential problems that might arise if she slept with Cyril weren’t worth her desire.
Today, though. Meeting his eyes, remembering the feel of his lips against hers, and having the need, so sweet and sharp, slice through her like a blade changed her mind. She wanted him. They were adults. They could set boundaries. She could protect herself from becoming too attached.
She was going to sleep with Cyril.
She smiled and waved. Confident and almost giddy about her decision, she pushed down the deeper, scarier, emotion that fueled her excitement. That could be dealt with later. Instead, she concentrated on the possibility of having what she hoped and prayed wasn’t mediocre sex. It would be such a waste if Cyril was mediocre in bed.
Cyril got out of the truck and walked over with a sexy swagger and intense look in his eyes that took her breath away.
There is no way in the world this man is terrible in bed.
“What’s up, Brian, Imani,” he said. He dapped up Brian then looked at Imani. “What are you doing here so early?” He glanced back at Brian then at her.
“I stayed the night here with Tracey,” she said quickly, then wanted to cringe. She didn’t owe him an explanation.
“I came by to show Tracey the shrub samples for the wedding,” Brian said. “She went in to get the updated number list.” Brian raised a brow and smirked. “What brought you out here so early? Looking for Imani?”
“Nah,” Cyril said with a quick head shake. “My normal trip to try and convince Tracey to join the guild. The president was in the bar last night talking about the parade somebody wants to throw and later brought up having The Fresh Place Inn listed as a place to stay on the guild’s website would be easier if she were a member.”
“Tracey’s not a member?” Imani looked back to the house where Tracey had come out and was heading their way.
“Not yet, but I’m hoping she’ll join soon.”
Tracey reached them, spotted Cyril and grinned between him and Imani. “You’re either here to hunt her down or to convince me to join the guild again.”
Cyril’s eyes widened and he held up a hand as if to push back Tracey’s teasing. “I’m here about the guild. I wasn’t sure she was here.”
Tracey’s grin widened. “Wasn’t sure, huh. I guess that means you guessed she might be here. You usually don’t bother me this early.”
Cyril shifted his weight from foot to foot. “I’ve got a busy day. I just came by early to get it out of the way.”
“Uh-huh, well, Shirley said breakfast is ready. We’ve got enough to feed you, too. Come on in and join us.” She glanced at Brian and her smile dimmed. “Brian, you’re welcome to stay, too.”
He shook his head. “I’m good. I’ll take the list and then get back to the nursery.”
“Suit yourself,” Tracey said not sounding the least bit put off by his denial. She handed him the paper. “Call me if you have any questions on the shrubs.”
“Will do. Cyril, see you later.”
Cyril nodded and they all stepped back to let Brian get to his SUV. Tracey looked at them and brightness returned to her smile. “You two can come in behind me. I’m sure you’ve got plenty to talk about.” Tracey winked before spinning and hurrying away so fast her braids swished from side to side.
Cyril groaned. “You told her about the kiss?”
“Tracey is one of my oldest friends, and I had to tell someone. Would you rather I tell my mom?”
He shook his head. “Hell no. Our parents don’t need to know it happened.”