Page 33 of Could Be Worse
“She’s been sick all week with the flu. I haven’t even seen her.” He pinched his face tightly and his jaw twitched.
“Her parents still don’t like you?”
“Nope. We’ve been together for three years and they still haven’t accepted us. It’s stupid. I’m not a bad guy, but they think all bikers are despicable.”
“Well, once she turns eighteen, that should make things easier.”
“Doubt it. I need some fresh air.” He left the shop in a huff.
I peered out the front window and watched him straddle his hog. Chase really was a good guy. Uncle Storm and Aunt Maddy had raised their boys to respect women and be ruthless protectors. Frankie was a few years younger than Chase, but just as strong as his older brother.
The scent of apple pie wafted in the air. I inhaled the deliciousness into my lungs. The shop was decorated from floor to ceiling for the autumn season, which complemented the clothing hanging on the walls and racks.
“Hey, Sadie!” Birdie’s face brightened as she came out of the back. “Are these his twins?”
“Um… What?” I knew it! Word was spreading like wildfire about Bryce and his girls.
“I overheard your mom talking to my mom about the man you got dirty with in his truck and how he has twin daughters.” She waved to them. “Hi, I’m Birdie. Would you like a cup of apple cider and a cookie?”
I blinked, utterly dumbfounded. “They can have the cider, but no cookies. Tori has a gluten allergy.”
“Okay, follow me. Snow is in the back unpacking some new shipment.” Birdie gestured to follow her.
Silly me for thinking my private business would be kept private. Such was the life in an MC. The old ladies told each other everything. But they also kept each other’s secrets. They just didn’t have eyes in the back of their head to see Birdie eavesdropping.
“What else do you know?” I asked, because there had to be more.
“Babe, you know if it involves a man, all the old ladies know every little thing about him.”
“Jeez. I guess I thought my mom would’ve been a bit more close-lipped.” Honestly, her loyalty should have been to me before her friends. I was her daughter, her flesh and blood. But I knew she was probably hopeful I’d fall in love with Bryce and put roots down in Bastion. I couldn’t fault her for wanting her child close by, and I had missed my family during the holidays…
“Jaynee? Girl, you’ve been away too long. Have you forgotten how loud your mom can be?” She tossed her head back, laughing. “Right, Snow?”
“What are we talking about?” Snow turned around and her face lit up when she saw me. “Sadie! I am so happy to see you, finally.” She she rushed toward me and wrapped me in her embrace.
“I know. Sorry, I haven’t come by to see you. It’s been an interesting visit so far.”
“I heard.” Snow released me, then noticed the girls. “Oh! These must be his twins.”
“Yup.” I sat on the first chair I saw, suddenly exhausted. “Catherine and Victoria, but they go by Cat and Tori.”
“They are precious.” She gazed at them. “Are you girls having fun with Sadie? Isn’t she the best?”
My heart swelled. Sometimes I forget how much my MC family loved me. It was easy to get consumed with dancing and shows. My days would blur together, and months would pass before I stopped to catch my breath. That would be when the loneliness kicked in and I thought about what I might be missing back home.
“Mhm, we like Sadie. She dances with us and makes Daddy laugh,” Cat replied, while Tori nodded in agreement.
“Aww, that’s wonderful.” Snow peered over her shoulder at me. “And does Daddy make you just as happy?”
“I’m just his babysitter.”
“That’s not what Uncle Lynx told my dad,” Birdie said as she handed the girls their cider. “Here’s a cup for you, Cat, and one for Tori.”
“Thank you,” they said in unison.
“Careful girls. It’s hot,” I told them.
“I added some cold water to cool it down.” Birdie came over to where I was sitting.