Page 37 of Could Be Worse
“It’s because of the club. They’re dealing with it, which means I can’t talk about it.”
“Well, that’s stupid.”
“It is what it is.” She popped her shoulders as if saying, deal with it. “If you can’t handle it, we should stop whatever it is we’re doing.” Her voice cracked and a pained expression appeared as she swallowed.
“I don’t know what to say.” I sat back and stared at the fireplace. “If what happened in Manhattan is now club business, does that mean it’s dangerous?” I cut my gaze at her. The living room walls closed in as I stared at her. A feeling of betrayal rolled in like a misty fog over the farmland on the outskirts of town.
Had Sadie been in danger and not told me? I’d left my daughters alone with her. She had taken them for walks…
“Maybe. I’m not totally sure. Probably not.”
“Well, what is it? Yes or no? And don’t dance around it with me. It’s my daughters’ safety we’re talking about!” My heart hammered against my ribs, the same way it had when I had questioned Connie the first time she’d stayed out all night.
For months, my ex had acted weird. She’d spent most of her time on her phone, scrolling on social media at all hours of the day and night. Wine and vodka bottles had invaded the kitchen counters. Within days they’d disappear, and I’d find them empty in the recycle bin. Worse than anything else was how Cat and Tori had lost weight because Connie had been drinking and forgot to feed them. Their little eyes would be red and puffy when I got home from work. But had I kicked Connie’s ass to the curb or asked Nana Bea to watch the girls? No. I thought I could save my wife and keep my family whole.
Sniffling jerked me back to the present. “Well?” I growled. There was no chance in hell I’d endanger my girls again.
She wiped tears off her face. “I honestly don’t know. My dad said the club was taking care of it. That’s all I know.”
I shook my head. “If it were only me, I wouldn’t be worried about it. But I have the girls.”
“I know, and I wouldn’t do anything to put them in danger. I swear, their wellbeing is my priority too.”
“But you took them for a walk into town, alone.”
“I wasn’t alone. A prospect is guarding us.”
“What?” I raised my voice. “A fucking prospect has been guarding you?”
“Shh. You’re going to wake the girls.” She stood and gathered her purse and coat. “I’ll go.”
I flew off the couch, grabbed her by the hand, and spun her around. “You’re leaving just like that? Nothing is resolved.”
“Isn’t it, though? Why would you want me around after hearing everything?” She stared up at me as tears rolled down her cheeks. “I’m no good for you or your girls. My life is complicated. I don’t even know if I’m staying in town.”
I couldn’t release her, though I knew I should. What was wrong with me? I should let her walk away and put her out of my mind, but my fucking heart wouldn’t allow it.
“Until tonight, it’s been good. I like having you around.” I might want her to stay permanently.
“A relationship must be built on trust, or it’ll never survive, and you don’t trust me now.” She blinked rapidly and raised her face, our lips nearly touching. “I’m so sorry.”
“I want to trust you. Why didn’t you tell me sooner?” Like before I left the girls with her.
“I wanted to see where things might go with us.” She lowered her head in shame. “When I saw you in the warehouse, my first reaction was shock. I couldn’t believe it was you. Then I was angry at you for cheating on your wife. But after we cleared the air, it felt like fate brought us together.”
I gently cradled her face. “I know exactly how you feel. You’ve brightened my home, made the girls giggle, and gave me hope for the future.”
“I don’t know, Sadie. If you’re in danger, my girls might be too. I’d go nuts if anything happened to any of you. The thought of losing them or you is more than I can bear.” Was it possible to fall in love with a person after only knowing them for such a short time? I had never loved Connie. Loved no other woman, so I didn’t know what true love felt like. All I knew was that something in me would break if Sadie wasn’t in my life. The pull toward her overpowered me. I crushed my lips to hers and kissed her like it was good-bye.
She hooked her arms around my neck and pressed her body against mine. The move amped up our passion. More than anything, I wanted to take her to my bedroom and make love to her. But would that be acting on my carnal urges, or was it something more powerful driving my desires?
“I want you,” I told her through my kisses. “We’ll figure everything out.”
“Are you sure?”
A knock at the door interrupted us.