Page 39 of Could Be Worse
Bryce whirled around and left the door open. “We aren’t doing this now, Connie. Come back tomorrow.”
“Does he pay you well to watch my daughters?” She studied me as I did her. She wasn’t as pretty as in the photo perched on the end table. Time hadn’t been kind to her, but it usually wasn’t for alcoholics and drug addicts. Still, she was trim and attractive… I didn’t like her. “I can’t imagine that he does since he’s broke. Or does he fuck you as payment?”
You, bitch! I held back, yelling in her face. Instead, I rolled my hands into fists. If she didn’t watch it, I’d knock her front teeth out. I might be a graceful ballerina, but I was also a motorcycle club brat who could fight. I wouldn’t hesitate to protect myself, or Bryce and his daughters. In fact, I’d love to teach this bitch some etiquette.
“Get out,” Bryce barked and pointed at the door.
“I’m here to discuss our daughters. Your nanny can leave.” She hiked an evil brow as she swept her gaze at me. “Run along, honey.”
“I’m not playing games, Connie. This is my house, and I want you to leave.”
“No.” She turned on her spikey red heels and faced him. “I want to see the girls. Please let me stay. I’ve been sober for six months and I want to make things right.”
Make things right? With whom? Him or the girls?
I expected Bryce to laugh in her face and toss her out on her ass, but he didn’t say a word.
She moved toward him and placed her hand on his chest. “I’ve changed, baby. All I’m asking for is to see the girls and discuss our future.”
Again, Bryce remained silent.
But me? I couldn’t take it anymore. I put my coat on and headed out the door.
“Bye, nanny,” Connie, the bitch, said in a victorious tone.
I got to my mom’s car and fumbled with the stupid key. Across the street, two houses down, I saw Zane watching Bryce’s place. Just spectacular. He’d probably tell my parents about Connie’s arrival and my departure.
Growling, I went to open the door and was stopped.
“Listen, I’m sorry,” Bryce said.
I kept my back toward him. “Do what you gotta do.”
“She’s the girls’ mother.”
“Sadie, will you look at me? I know it was awkward in there, but I care about you.”
I turned around. “She’s a rude bitch and obviously doesn’t care about you or the girls, because if she did, she would’ve come at a reasonable hour. Never mind the fact that she was spying on me. But you know, it’s your life. I’ll see you around.” I pulled the door open and got in.
“Don’t be angry. I don’t want her. I want you.”
“Really? Could’ve fooled me. You just let her walk all over you. You didn’t introduce us. Hell, you went mute.”
“I was shocked.”
“You were pathetic!” I shot back. “You didn’t stand up to her. That’s not the man I was falling for. And if it is, that’s not the man I want.”
He stepped back like I’d slapped him. “Connie and I will forever be bound by our daughters. I don’t know what you expected. I need to see what she wants.”
“From my point of view, it looks like she wants you.” Literally, Connie was at the door, watching us with a broad smile. She got her way and stayed. And where was her latest lover? He probably wised up and dumped her. Good for him, but with nowhere else to go, she’d come to Bryce’s because she knew he’d take her back. God, I could throw up!
“I just told you I don’t want her.”
“Yes, but who’s the one leaving?”
“She’s never been easy to deal with. What do you want me to do?” He exhaled a labored breath. “I’m sorry.”