Page 106 of Think Twice
He spilled it all—about the meeting with PT, his theory that a serial killer may have set up Greg, the walk back, the attack on his father, all of it.
When he finished, Terese asked, “Do you want me to come back up?”
Yes. “No,” he said.
“I can get someone else to cover this murder case.”
“Don’t come up. I’m okay.”
“Hmm,” she said.
Myron’s phone buzzed, telling him another call was coming.
“Terese, it’s my father.”
He switched over. “Dad?”
“I’m fine. I’m waiting for the doctor to see me, but it’s a broken nose, that’s all. I’ll be fine. Look, I’m not keeping things from you, but I’m not telling you everything either.”
“About your mother.”
“What about her?”
“She’s okay most days. And she’s at her best when she’s on the phone with her children. She has anxiety. She’s scared a lot, Myron. I don’t want her scared, okay?”
Myron swallowed. “Okay, Dad.”
“We keep this between us for now, understood?”
“And don’t come down, Myron. Your mother reads you like a book. Always has. It’s why you never got away with anything when you were a kid. I assume this all involves something you and Win are working on?”
“So protect your mother and get on with it. Don’t get distracted.”
“Already taken care of,” Myron said. “What happened after they hung up?”
“Allen that rat bastard—by the way, I’ve been in fights. I grew up in a tough neighborhood. I had the factory in Newark. Anyway, I saw the gun coming. I turned my head and rolled with it. So really it’s not so bad, okay? Trust me on that. It’s just the nose. I didn’t get dizzy or anything.”
“Okay, thanks for telling me that.”
“So anyway, after Allen hung up, he just held the gun on me. He was waiting for something to happen.”
The same thing as the old woman who called herself Ellen.
“Any idea what they were waiting on?”
“Someone called him on the phone. Allen mumbled something about letting him know if they find him and then he said something about a shanty.”
Myron felt the hairs on the back of his neck stand up. “A shanty?”