Page 113 of Think Twice
“He didn’t want to testify.”
“I understand.”
“And remember,” she said. “Turant did kill Jordan Kravat. The cops made that clear. It wasn’t like he was putting an innocent man away. They had the evidence. There was no doubt in anyone’s mind.”
Jeremy nodded. “Okay, so let’s skip ahead to a few minutes ago. You talked to Bo on the phone?”
“And he’s with Joey’s people. They want him to tell the truth to the press. Show the corruption of the police. And if he goes public, they promise not to hurt him. And yes, I believe them. If they hurt him now, then the police can claim Joey the Toe forced him to change his story.”
Myron couldn’t tell whether this argument was coming from a place of hope or reason. She seemed to be trying to convince herself, which made total sense. But so did the argument. Win had said something similar. Bo changing his testimony would only work for Joey Turant if Bo stayed alive, healthy, and did not appear to be under duress.
A phone buzzed. Jeremy grabbed it, looked at the screen, frowned.
“Everything okay?” Myron asked.
“Fine. But I need to take this. I’ll be back in a second.”
He headed into the other room, leaving Myron and Grace alone.
For a moment they both looked away. Myron felt awkward standing there. He wasn’t sure what to do here, so he stayed quiet.
“He’s a good man,” Grace said. “Jeremy, I mean.”
Myron nodded.
“As soon as I called him about his father, he caught the next flight out. He was here in three hours.”
They sat in uncomfortable, heavy silence.
Then she said, “I know biologically he’s your son.”
Myron didn’t reply.
“I know what you and Emily did,” Grace said with something approaching disgust in her voice. “Greg just told me a few days ago.”
Myron said nothing.
“That crushed him, you know. It took Greg a long time to get over the trust issues.”
Myron kept quiet.
“I’m talking about how you and Emily slept together the night before the wedding.”
“Yeah,” Myron said, “I kinda guessed that.”
“I’m not saying what Greg did in response wasn’t wrong—”
“Hey, Grace?” he said for the second time today.
She stopped.
“I’m not rehashing the past with you, okay?”
Myron stepped away and tried his father’s phone again. This time it was answered on the second ring by his mother.