Page 12 of Think Twice
She took Myron’s hands in hers, looked him straight in the eye, and said, “I’m not sure I love you.”
Yet another boom. A very different kind of boom.
“Greg alive,” Emily said in amazement. A strand of hair fell across her eye. Myron almost reached out and pushed it away. “It’s too weird.”
“You think?”
She gave him the crooked smile again. No boom this time. Barely a nostalgic pang. “Still a sarcastic wiseass.”
“I gotta be me.”
“Don’t I know it. But all of it was weird. Starting with you taking on Greg as a client.”
“Greg was a solid source of income.”
“More sarcasm?”
“I never understood it,” Emily said. “Why did you work with him? And don’t tell me it was just about money.”
Myron decided to go with the truth. “Greg had hurt me. I had hurt him.”
“So you two were even?”
“Let’s just say we both wanted to move past it.”
“Greg liked you, Myron.”
He said nothing.
“It’s why I asked you to give the eulogy. I think it’s what Greg would have wanted.”
Myron and Greg’s basketball rivalry started in sixth grade, moved to AAU when they were thirteen, then high school, then the ACC where Myron’s Duke battled Greg’s UNC. There were rumors of bad blood between the two superstars, but that was just hyperbole. On the court, they both battled with the type of zeal only the hypercompetitive could comprehend. Off the court, they barely knew each other.
Until Emily.
“Did you tell”—Myron took a deep breath—“Jeremy?”
Just saying the name hushed the room.
“I mean about Greg being alive—”
“Don’t,” she said.
“Don’t what?”
“Jeremy’s still stationed overseas.”
“I know that.”
“There’s no reason to tell him.”
“You don’t think he has the right to know that…”—Myron didn’t know what term to use so he used the one that Jeremy would have—“… that his father may still be alive?”
“Jeremy’s work is dangerous. He needs to focus. It can wait until we know for certain.”
Fair point. And really, it wasn’t Myron’s business. Jeremy had made that clear. This was a distraction and not a good one. Myron kept making the mistake of veering off track. Win had warned him. There was too much history here.