Page 132 of Think Twice
Sadie paused now, making sure that the world was listening.
“Damn,” Terese said to Myron, “she’s good.”
Myron nodded.
When Sadie was ready, she dropped the bomb: “… is because there is a serial killer on the loose.”
Myron expected yet another outburst from the press; instead, there was dead silence.
“The FBI now knows that a serial killer is responsible for the murders of Jordan Kravat, Walter Stone, Tracy Keating, Cecelia Callister, and Clay Staples—and several more that are still unknown—and that the people in prison or being held for these murders—Joseph Turant, Dan Barry, Robert Lestrano, and Greg Downing—were framed.”
“Wow,” Terese said under her breath. “She’s taking no prisoners.”
Myron’s phone buzzed. It was a message from Win: Watching?
Myron: Yes
Win: PT is not going to be pleased.
Myron gave the message a thumbs-up.
A bubble with dancing dots played for a few seconds.
Win: When you get back, we need to talk.
Myron read the message again. He didn’t like it. Once again, it wasn’t like Win to be coy or cagey—or if you say that enough, do you just have to accept that maybe he is? Before Myron could think of a response, Terese nudged him back to Sadie and the press conference.
“In fact,” Sadie Fisher continued, “we believe that real estate mogul Ronald Prine, who was murdered only two days ago, was also a victim of the Setup Serial Killer—”
“Setup Serial Killer?” Terese repeated.
“Too wordy a nickname,” Myron agreed.
“—and,” Sadie continued, “that the young woman arrested just last night, Jacqueline Newton, is the killer’s latest frame job.”
“I guess she just did our work for us,” Myron said.
Terese nodded, her eyes glued to the screen.
“In closing,” Sadie said, “I would like to address the FBI and its current director, Harry Borque, directly.”
Sadie Fisher turned and faced the camera straight on, adjusted her glasses, and drove hard to the ending salvo.
“If you want to deny what I am saying, please go ahead. Your excuses won’t hold water. Not anymore. The public has the right to know that there is an odious serial killer working across this country who not only kills people but then frames others for his crimes. My guess is, you will claim that you were holding back on the serial killer revelation to prevent public panic or to somehow help facilitate their capture. That’s nonsense.”
Her anger grew now, feeling on the edge.
“I might have been somewhat sympathetic to such a phony PR move if it wasn’t for the fact that you are knowingly—knowingly—keeping innocent people behind bars to mitigate the embarrassment of prosecutorial mistakes. Sorry, that’s criminal conduct and for that, I will not stay silent. I will not let innocent people spend even one more moment behind bars. Free them. Free them now. And shame. Shame on all of you who allowed this. You are the serial killer’s co-conspirators, and I will not rest until the truth comes out and all who are truly guilty are brought to justice.”
On that note, Sadie stormed off stage.
“Wow.” Terese leaned back. “I think I need a cigarette.”
The reporters on hand started shouting questions in her wake. Bo didn’t move at first, looking like the classic “deer in the headlights” before bolting away, to keep within the metaphor, like a deer who finally realizes the headlights signal that a car is indeed heading toward them.
“Will there be much blowback?” Terese asked.
“On me?”