Page 35 of Think Twice
“Oh,” Myron said to stall. “You know what’s interesting?”
“Can’t wait to hear.”
“We both seem to be on the same side here.”
Jazz rubbed his chin. “How do you figure?”
“We are both looking for Bo Storm. If we pool our knowledge, we could probably help each other out.”
“Oh man, that would be great, Myron. I so want to help you out. It’s what I live for really.”
Sal shook his head. “The dude is stalling.”
“No shit, Sherlock. Let’s clip off the toe and speed this up. Jerry?”
One of the goons said, “What?”
“You got the ice cooler?”
Jerry the Goon brought over a small Coleman cooler, the kind of thing you’d store a six-pack in, and placed it next to Myron’s foot. He looked back at Jazz.
“Go ahead, Jerry. Do the honors.”
The idea clearly didn’t thrill Jerry. “I did it last time.”
“So? You’re good at it.”
Sal said, “I’ll do it. I’m still pissed off at him about that choke hold.”
This was not good.
Myron tested the ropes. No give at all. Sal moseyed over. Outside, Myron could still hear the cars whizzing by, the snatches of songs on the radio. Sal bent down and picked up the pruning shears. He brandished them right in front of Myron’s eyes, slowly squeezing and relaxing the handles, just to show Myron that the shears did, in fact, work.
Myron tried to buck, kick out, move in any way. But there was no give to the ropes.
Sal dropped to his knee by Myron’s exposed foot.
“Hold up a second,” Myron said, trying to keep the panic out of his voice. “Let’s talk this out.”
“We will, Myron,” Jazz said. “Don’t worry about that. But first, the toe has to go.”
Sal opened the shears. He showed Myron the curved blade. Myron desperately started to wiggle the foot, tried to squirm or bend or whatever.
Anything so it wouldn’t stay still.
“Look, Jazz, Sal, Jerry, whoever—just hold up, okay? I want to cooperate. Tell me why Joey Turant wants to find Bo.”
That made Sal stop. “Who said we worked for Joey the Toe?”
Was he serious?
“Here’s the thing,” Myron said. “I was going to go to see Joey next.”
“In prison?”
“Exactly. Pay my respects. Tell him I want to help.”