Page 15 of Consumed By Fire
“Of course that’s all it is!” I rasp, starting to get pissed off. “She’s a Red.”
“Yes, and—”
“And she’s mated. She’s pregnant. Why is this so hard for all of you to get? I’m not fucking her, and neither do I plan on fucking her. Even if she were single, I wouldn’t touch her. I will sleep naked, and I will keep her as fucking close as I can to keep her from escaping. We’re shifters, so it isn’t that big of a deal. Surely you get that much?”
“Yes, yes,” she says as I stand. “It all sounds fine. I want a report back from you in a couple of days,” she shouts after me as I leave.
“You got it,” I say without turning.
It doesn’t take me long to get back to the bungalow. I was gone longer than intended. I burst through the door, stopping dead in my tracks when I realize the bungalow is empty. I look around, a scowl forming on my face.
The bathroom! The door is slightly ajar, so I enter. Nope! I have to stop myself from tearing open closets because I know she isn’t in any of them.
She isn’t here.
Where the fuck is she?
“Goliath!” I bellow, stalking outside. Every muscle is bunched. Adrenaline courses through me. My heart is pounding.
He looks my way and frowns. “Ummmm…yes, Octane?”
“Where’s Trinity?”
He frowns harder. “I thought you knew. I was told you knew.” He swallows hard.
“Knew what?” I demand.
“Kim came to fetch the Red and took her for a walk,” he stammers, going pale.
My blood runs cold. “A walk?” I roar. “When?”
He swallows thickly. “Soon after you left. I swear, I thought she had cleared it with you. She came from the offices. Said that she had spoken to Shadow about it. To you both. I didn’t want to believe them, but they were convincing. They—”
“You shouldn’t have believed it. It’s a bunch of bullshit!” I yell. “Which way?”
Goliath points, and I start sprinting. “Inform Shadow of this development. Do it now!” I bellow.
I shift into my dragon form, my clothes ripping from my body as my scales burst through my skin. Technically, I am not permitted to shift without a rider, but, unlike the others of my kind on Draig, I am in control of my beast. Without hesitation, I crash through the trees as I take flight, my great wings flapping. I roar as I soar over the canopy, scanning the horizon for a small, red-flecked dragon. My heart pounds in my chest, the air whipping past my scaled face as I push myself harder. She’s not going to escape me. I refuse to allow it!
“I’m sure you couldn’t stand being cramped up in there,” Kim says.
“It was getting a little frustrating,” I say, trying to keep the tremor from my voice.
“It sure is a great day for a walk.” Kim looks up at the clear, blue sky.
“Come straight back, ladies,” Goliath says, sounding unsure.
We both turn. Kim is smiling broadly. I’m far too nervous to force my lips to curve upward. I do my best to look normal. To look calm.
“Of course we will.” Kim laughs, sounding completely relaxed.
“And you won’t go too far?” Goliath lifts his brows. He doesn’t quite buy our story. That much is apparent.
Kim giggles. “Of course not.”
“No way,” I manage to push out, giggling too. It actually sounds like I mean it, shocking me a little.