Page 30 of Consumed By Fire
“You’re safe with me.”
I look over at him, and I do feel safe, even though I shouldn’t. He’s my captor and my enemy, and yet, it’s true, I feel safer than I did back at home at times. That is especially true after meeting the father of my child. My world turned on its head. I haven’t felt safe a day since.
The fire crackles as a drip of fat spatters into the embers. From the scent, I can tell that the meat is beginning to char nicely.
Octane quickly moves the sticks from the flames, the sizzling venison steaming in the cool jungle air. He hands one to me.
“Wait a few minutes to let the meat cool,” he tells me.
I nod. After waiting a short while, I take a small bite; the taste of the succulent meat has me groaning hard. “This is the best thing I’ve ever eaten.”
Octane isn’t eating. His eyes are narrowed.
That’s when I hear it, too; it’s the sound of wings beating. Not just any wings but dragon wings…and there’s more than one of them. My first thought is, why couldn’t they have waited until after dinner? My second thought is that I don’t want to die.
Adrenaline surges, and I drop the meat, grabbing Trinity’s hand and yanking her to her feet. Her food lands in the dirt as well.
We have seconds to hide.
I need to keep Trinity safe. If she is caught, she will be slaughtered. It won’t matter that she is a female, or that she is pregnant. She is a Red trespassing on Draig soil, and for that, the penalty is death. I can’t let that happen. I won’t! I pray that she listens to me, that she does everything I tell her, or we will be caught.
I put a finger over my lips, instructing her to keep quiet. Trinity nods, her eyes wide with fear. I can scent it on her, too. I hate the acrid smell. It makes every protective instinct surge inside me.
I should never have started the fire. I’m an idiot. I take her hand and start walking. I have a plan. There is a slim chance it will work, but I have to take it.
Several dragons are approaching, and it could be anyone. I have to seriously fucking pray that it’s one of my team members. We’re close to home. A couple of hours of hiking at the most. It’s possible that they’re looking for us.
It could also be another patrol. It’s unlikely, but still possible. There’s another possibility, one that leaves me with chills all over my body. There is a very slim chance that it could also be the Reds. It could be them, and if it is, I’m going to have to trust Trinity to keep quiet. To keep me safe. If she chooses freedom, she will be signing my death warrant.
I pick my way to the water, and Trinity does the same. We have to keep as quiet as possible while moving fast. I don’t want them to hear us. I keep to where the trees reach over the water. We’re not far away from our camp when I hear them land with thuds as claws tear into the earth.
We need to hide and right fucking now.
Trinity clasps my hand a little tighter, looking back over her shoulder. I point at the water, and she nods.
We wade in. It isn’t very deep, so we won’t be able to swim downstream. It was perfect for cleaning off, but not so much for hiding in. I saw a section that might just work if we’re lucky. I make for that.
It’s full of mud and reeds and better for hiding than I hoped. Perhaps we are in with a chance, after all. We wade into that section.
I hunker down low, and Trinity does the same. The mud is deep and cold. I feel something wriggle near my right foot. I take a handful of the muck and wipe it over Trinity’s face and neck. Then I do the same to myself while she puts more of the slimy gloop over herself. I rub more in her hair. We need to be covered in the stuff. The mud smells minerally and of rotting vegetation. It’ll do a good job of hiding us and tamping down our scent. I’m counting on it, or they’ll find us in a hot minute.
Then we hunker down and wait. It doesn’t take long before they arrive. Three sets of footfalls, if I am not mistaken. I feel Trinity stiffen next to me. I dare not lift my head to look at them. I can’t risk being seen.
“Fire,” the one says. “Someone was just here.”
“Freshly cooked meat,” another says. “I’d say they left in a hurry and that they’re close.”
I don’t recognize the voices at all, so it isn’t anyone from my team. My heart sinks. It could still be Draigers. I don’t know all of the guys on patrol, not by a long shot.
“Looks like we ruined a party,” the third one says. “They were just here, alright.”