Page 40 of Consumed By Fire
“Like what?” I pretend to focus on the trees up ahead.
“Like you want me again.”
“I’m just…appreciative of the view.”
“Well, you shouldn’t be.”
“Well, I am,” I grunt.
“We’re not doing that again,” she says. “Not ever!”
It sounds like a challenge, which gets my blood firing. I give a small shake of my head…she’s right. It can’t happen again.
“No, we can’t,” I admit.
“Glad we’re on the same page. Now stop looking at me; it’s irritating.”
“No more irritating than when you can’t take your eyes off my cock.”
She chokes out a laugh. “It’s not like you can miss that thing. A male’s anatomy is ugly as sin. You have a huge ego. It’s irritating me.”
“Oh, so ugly things turn you on?”
“We’re not having this conversation, Draiger.”
I choke out a laugh. “Because you know I’m right. I’ll admit that I find you spectacular. Doesn’t mean I like you, though. But I won’t lie about being attracted to you.”
“I was attracted to you, but it’s done now. Like you said, the itch has been scratched.”
“You don’t want more?”
“No!” she practically snarls, sounding put out. “There should never have been a first time.”
“That was the right answer.”
“Let’s just walk in silence. Unless you have something interesting to tell me. You said that you used to come to these parts as a child. You said you liked hunting and fishing around here. That’s how you knew about the cave. You can tell me more about that as a way to pass the time.”
My blood turns a touch cold. I won’t be telling her anything about that time in my life.
“As a way to pass the time, you say?” I pause, licking my lips. “Are you sure it isn’t because we had sex, and now you’re emotionally invested in me? You want to know all about me now, is that it?” I’m not sure why I even say that. Perhaps to piss her off, and it works.
“No! That’s not it at all,” she pushes out.
“That’s how it sounds to me. One fuck, and you want to know all about me. How fucking sweet.”
“No! I couldn’t care less. I thought talking about nothing much important might help pass the time.”
Nothing much important…aka me. Hah! Right!
“Maybe you’re a spy, sent over here to gather information. They sent a pregnant female so that we’d never suspect.”
“You’re paranoid, you know that? What the hell happened to you to make you like this?”
“You did, Red. You and the rest of your kind happened to me,” I say in a low growl, meaning every word.
“You poor thing,” she says, sounding… I’m not sure how she sounds. Sad, maybe. I think she was angling at sarcasm, but it came out wrong. I’d know if I looked at her, but I don’t dare. I don’t want to give her the satisfaction. I don’t care, regardless.
Once again, we walk in silence. It’s not a comfortable silence. Not even close.