Page 48 of Consumed By Fire
“Thank you,” he adds. I note that he is breathing heavily. That he looks a little pale. Perhaps this wasn’t the best idea.
I stand. “Let’s get you back in bed.” I switch off the water.
“Hmmmm…bed…that sounds good.” He gives me a lopsided smile.
“You need to rest.” I take his arm and help him from the stall.
“Is that what they’re calling it now? Rest?” he asks.
I laugh softly as I hand him a towel, and he dries off. I have to help him where it’s needed.
He leans on me while we walk. “No, I mean that you really need to lie down.”
“We could both lie down…together.”
I laugh. “You’re lying down, and I’m getting you dinner.” I pause. “Although I really need to change your sheets. Sit on the chair for a minute.”
The plan was to ease him down, but he drops down hard onto the cushioned surface, flopping back against the backrest. “Crap, I’m so damned weak.” He groans softly. He doesn’t look great. I knew a shower was a bad idea. Giving him head was really stupid of me.
I walk over to the nearby closet.
“Wait…stop.” He even sounds tired. “You don’t have to be my nurse. Give me a moment, and I’ll change the sheets myself.”
I roll my eyes. “Stop being such a stubborn idiot.” I put my hands on my hips. Then I open the closet and take out fresh bedding. It doesn’t take me long to make up the bed. I throw the soiled sheets into the laundry basket. I’ll take care of them later.
It takes some effort to get him up. Octane leans heavily on me. He grunts as I lower him onto the bed. I cover him with a fresh blanket. “I’ll be back in a second with something to eat. Try to stay awake.” I give him a stern look. He needs food.
He nods. His face is pinched. Before I can pull away, he grabs my hand.
“What?” I frown. “Are you feeling sick? Do I need to get help?”
He shakes his head. “I have everything I need.” Then he kisses the inside of my palm. It’s so intimate that I gasp softly.
“I could get used to this,” he says. “Someone looking after me.” He squeezes my hand and then lets it go.
I swallow hard. “That wouldn’t be a good idea.” I smile for a second. It feels a touch sad. Then I walk away. I rub my thumb over the spot he just kissed.
Octane must be really out of it. He’s not thinking straight. That’s all that was. That’s all it can ever be.
Trinity is wrapped around me. Her arm is across my chest. Her leg is slung over me, too. Her breath tickles against my side. My arm is around her, holding her close.
I could get used to this.
It’s what I told her earlier. The same words run through my head right now because they are true. I could get used to this. It feels good. She feels good.
It’s such a pity that everything about this is wrong.
So fucking wrong!
I should push her away. I should call Shadow to come and take the Red, but I can’t. I won’t let them hurt her. As much as I hate it, I’ve grown to care for Trinity. I like her. No, make that, I really like her. She’s unlike any Red I have ever met. Then again, she is technically the first Red I have ever actually met, and I like her. Have we been wrong about them? Perhaps. Then I think about the males who attacked Blaze and Kim. I think of Titan and his cronies, and I falter. I don’t know what to believe anymore. I’m sure there must be good Reds, just as there are bad Draigers. It isn’t as black and white as I once thought. Everything I once knew to be true is on its head right now, and I don’t like it much.