Page 62 of Consumed By Fire
“What the fuck were you thinking?” Octane yells.
“At least one of us is thinking because you sure as shit aren’t,” Dagger says, wiping blood from his face.
“You took her,” Octane rasps. Then he looks at me. “You left. You just up and left with not so much as a goodbye.” His hands fall to his sides, and the fight leaves him.
“I’m sorry,” I tell Octane.
He turns away from me, facing Dagger. “Go. Leave us.”
“No!” Dagger folds his arms. “I was tasked with seeing her…” He glances at the chopper. The human Gavin is still inside and watching us with huge eyes. “I was tasked with seeing the Red home,” Dagger says under his breath. “I refuse to stand by while you ruin your life over a female who isn’t yours. A female who can never be yours. Don’t be an idiot.”
“You can leave. I will take over your duty. I will see that Trinity leaves Draig.”
Dagger narrows his eyes, scrutinizing Octane. “I don’t trust you to do the right thing.”
“I will do the right thing, Dagger. It is clear to me what Trinity wants. I will make sure that she gets home.”
The male puts his hands up. “Fine. You win. Have it your way, Octane, but I hope you know what you’re doing and that the female is gone sooner rather than later.” He looks at me. “Don’t try to stay on Draig, female. It will end up being your funeral. Don’t drag Octane down with you. If you care, you’ll leave right now…or as soon as you are able. Do not wait even a second longer than is necessary.”
I nod. “You’ve already convinced me. Leaving is the best thing for both of us.” I look over at Octane.
“Okay, then. Safe travels,” he tells me, but it comes out sounding like more of a threat.
Octane growls.
“Yeah, yeah. I’ll leave now.” Dagger turns and walks away. We stand there and watch as the rotors start up again with a whine. In less than two minutes, the chopper ascends and starts to fly away.
“I can explain,” I say because the silence is deafening.
“So, you couldn’t even say goodbye. After everything, you just left at the first chance you got?” His voice is soft. He sounds…hurt.
“It wasn’t like that. Dagger came to see me and—”
“You couldn’t trust me enough to stay. To do things the right way. You ran when the first opportunity presented itself.” His eyes are blazing. “I thought you were different. I thought you…cared.”
“I do care, but I have no right to care. You shouldn’t care, either. The fact that we care is a big problem. You should never have come after me like this. It shows…it… It’s wrong, okay! This is a mess, Octane. This,” I gesture between us, “will never work. There is no ‘we’ or ‘us’ or anything, for that matter. Your friends are right; I am a danger to you, and I need to leave right now.”
“I get that, but there was a better way of doing things,” he throws back at me. “One where we look each other in the eye before you leave.”
“I don’t want to say goodbye to you. When I look you in the eye, I…I… Never mind!”
“You what? Tell me, please.” His voice softens, as does his demeanor.
“I shouldn’t! You should just turn around right now and leave me. We’re fairly close to the tunnel. It’s maybe an hour’s walk…possibly less. It’s there on the south side of the mountain. I’ll be fine. Let’s not make this more difficult than it has to be.”
“That isn’t going to happen. We’re going to finish this conversation. I want to know why you couldn’t say goodbye. Why you had to run off like that?” His eyes are clouded with hurt.
“I just told you why. Besides, you know the answer to that question already. We’re enemies, Octane. That’s why. We can’t be together in any kind of capacity. When I look into your eyes, I start to see the future, and it’s one big fairy tale. It’s one big lie that can never be.” I shake my head. “I like you too damned much, and if I stay, I will start to fall for you. I’ll start to care too much, and then I won’t be able to go. It has to be now while I still can leave. Now, while you’ll still let me go. Dagger was right. We’re bad for each other. I’m bad for you. I don’t want anything to happen to you on account of me.”
Octane closes the distance between us and kisses me. His lips are soft, full, and gentle as they graze against mine. His eyes fall closed as he leans in; his features are relaxed and vulnerable.
What starts as tentative turns passionate. His hands frame my face, his fingers caressing my skin as he pulls me closer. I can feel his heart pounding against my chest. I can taste the longing in his kiss. It matches mine.
The need.
The drive.
There is sadness, too.