Page 7 of Consumed By Fire
Her eyes slowly fill with horror as I talk. “You’re lying. You wouldn’t do something so cruel.” She must see something in my eyes because she gives a cry of outrage. “No! You can’t have my baby.”
I choke out a laugh that doesn’t hold much humor. “I’m not lying. I swear it. I can’t harm you in any way, but this…keeping your baby… This I can do. I will do it unless you tell me everything I need to know.” I look down at her belly. Now that I know she is pregnant, I wonder how I missed it. “How far along are you? Four or five months? Perhaps even close to six?”
“None of your business.”
“What will your mate say when you return without a babe in your arms? What then?”
“That won’t happen. He will come for me before then. He’ll kill you for this,” she spits out.
“I hope he comes. I welcome it,” I tell her. “All bets will be off with a big, strong Red male. I’ll be permitted to do whatever it takes to get the information I need. I will force him to talk, and perhaps I’ll make you watch as I slice him open.”
She gives another low growl of outrage. “I can’t believe you would be so barbaric. And you Draigers insist that it’s the Reds who are out of control and aggressive. I beg to differ.”
“Oh, I’m in full control, sweetheart.” I grin at her.
“You’re an animal!”
I throw her one of my clean shirts, and she catches it.
“Now you’re catching on,” I sneer. “Yes, I can be barbaric if need be. Believe you me. I can also be very amicable. Now get dressed, and then tell me what I need to know, and I’ll let you go. You have my word.” I glare at her.
She shakes her head; her eyes are filled with defiance, but it won’t last. I will break her even if it can’t be physically. The lives of my people depend on it. If anyone knows what is at stake here, it’s me.
The next day…
There is a knock at the door.
Octane opens it, taking in the tray with a word of thanks. The door clicks shut, closing out the night sky and the sounds of the jungle. He puts the tray on the table, opening the lid. The scent of barbecued meat has my mouth watering. I can tell from the smell that it has been lightly seared to a perfect medium rare. Just how I like it done.
“Are you going to continue with your hunger strike?” he asks me, his faded jeans riding low on his hips. His feet are bare, as is his torso, which is broad and muscular. His arms are thick and corded.
“I’m not hungry,” I lie. Although, it isn’t entirely untrue. My stomach is in knots. I’m not sure I could eat even if I wanted to. “I want to go home. Let me go.”
“It’s not going to happen. If you’re not going to eat for yourself, you need to eat for your baby.”
“If you’re so concerned for my child, you should let me go already,” I growl out the words, feeling my dragon at the surface.
My dragon…I can already feel her growing weaker by the day.
I’m a fool for coming here.
He sighs. “We’ve been through this enough times already.” He goes down on his haunches in front of me. “It isn’t going to happen, Trinity. Not until you tell me what I need to know. Namely, how did you get onto Draig Island undetected? Are the Reds in communication with the Mainland?”
I will my face to stay impassive. I refuse to give anything away. Screw him!
He cocks his head, his eyes narrowing. “You know something,” he says in a gruff voice. “Tell me!”
“I don’t know anything.” Nothing I care to disclose to this asshole. “You took the wrong person. I’m sorry, but I can’t help you.”
“I saw it written all over your face. I see it now. You’re lying, Trinity.”
Yep, it’s one of my greatest flaws. I have an open face. I can’t hide my feelings. I never have been able to and I’m sure I never will. It means that I am a terrible liar.