Page 71 of Consumed By Fire
I spot an elderly lady doing laundry out back. She is wearing a floral dress. Her long, gray hair is tied into a ponytail at the back of her head. She waves when she sees me.
If only she knew.
I’m a Draiger.
I’m the enemy. Only, I don’t feel like the enemy.
I wave back and smile. “Good afternoon,” I tell her. “Would you happen to know where I can find Titan and Igor? I believe that they live around here.” I take a chance.
Her smile turns into an instant frown. “They’re troublemakers. That old house has gone to ruin since Mirabel died. It’s a crying shame. They make noise at all hours of the night…hollering and yelling. They play their music far too loud.” She shakes her head. “You boys should be ashamed.” She wags a finger at me.
She thinks I’m one of them.
“You misunderstand,” I tell her. “I’m here to evict them by order of the King,” I decide to add on a whim. I’m not sure that the king orders such things, but I go with it, anyway.
Her eyes brighten up. “Finally! Someone took my complaints seriously.”
“We did, indeed. Am I right in thinking that it’s the house next door?” I point at a large derelict building. I’m about to take it back when she nods.
“Yes, that’s it, alright.”
“I would go inside your house now if I were you, Ma’am, where it’s safe. There might be some noise, but rest assured that we have it under control.”
“You’re not alone, are you? There’s always a bunch of ‘em inside. You won’t be able to evict them on your own.”
A male starts screaming from somewhere inside the house. The scream is suddenly cut off.
“I’m not alone. I am late, though. Thank you for your time.” I nod once and start running toward where the noise came from.
Please be okay.
Please don’t let me be too late!
“Suck me,” he murmurs. “Be a good little whore.” He rocks his hips. “I’m starting to get angry, Trin.”
His eyes open just as I slam the knife into his belly. Igor starts screaming.
Crap! No! No!
This is bad.
I pull out the knife in a spray of hot blood. He clutches at his belly; his eyes are wide with shock. Then he clenches a fist and tries to punch me in the belly. His hand grazes my side. It hurts, but I know my baby is fine. He didn’t get me in the right place. I’m sure he won’t miss a second time. I need to end him.
In the next breath, I stab him in the base of his throat. The scream turns into a choking sound.
Igor tears at my hands, trying to get me to let go of the knife so that he can pull it out. I hold on tight, twisting the blade. I need him dead.
He bucks against me, but the added pregnancy weight is helping hold him down. Igor lets my hands go and grabs me by the throat with both his hands. He squeezes, closing off my air. I twist the knife harder; more blood spurts. Good! I think I got an artery. It shouldn’t be long before he bleeds out. His hands tighten.
There is a knock at the door.
Igor makes a gurgling, moaning noise. Dammit! Dammit! If Titan finds me, he won’t hesitate to kill me.
There is another knock. “Is everything okay?” It’s Titan. It’s him. The door isn’t even locked. “Speak to me, or I’m coming in.”
Igor moans again, softer this time.