Page 119 of Gabriel's Salvation
His response comes instantly. A picture of him in the shower with the caption, “That’s good because I've already moaned yours.”
Chapter Thirty-Nine
The last few weeks have been almost perfect. Our relationship has just gotten stronger and stronger. Gabe has joined the group a couple of times for parties or trips out with the boys. Although I can see he’s still not completely settled within the group yet, he's much more settled and comfortable than he used to be, especially when it's just him and the boys. Heck, the other night he even agreed to a double date with Nate and Izzy to some Italian restaurant in town as a ‘trial’ for today.
“I'm nervous!” Izzy says as she shuffles from foot to foot while twirling her hair anxiously.
“It’ll be fine,” I say as I stroke her arm and try to reassure her.
“But what if he hates me? What if I say or do something wrong and ruin it all?” Izzy replies as she begins to chew on her nails.
“Izzy, relax,” I say, pulling her hand away from her mouth. “Me and Nate will be right beside you.”
Nate’s car pulls up outside my house and Izzy instinctively walks towards the passenger seat, that is until she spots Gabe sitting there and stops in her tracks. He fires her his stereotypical, murderous gaze before flashing what can only be described as a painful looking forced smile.
“Hey Gabe,” Izzy mumbles as she climbs in the backseat.
Gabe gives her a slight nod of recognition, but doesn’t reply. Not wanting to draw too much attention to either of them, or add any more tension to the atmosphere that's already thick enough to cut with a knife, I decide to try and add a little humor.
“Damn it's hot today. Thank god for the air conditioning or I'd be nothing but a puddle by the time we arrive.”
I see a smirk form on Gabe’s face in the mirror and know he can't resist the urge to reply with a cocky comment,
“Well it wouldn't be the first time you've been wet for me, would it?”
I see Nate’s eyes widen slightly before he playfully hits his brother in the arm. “You're so inappropriate,” Nate grumbles as he rolls his eyes.
“I aim to please,” Gabe replies with a smirk as he tips his imaginary hat.
We take off driving, there's the occasional comment from one of us but the air still has an uncomfortable feel to it. This is gonna be a looong drive.
“So Nate…” I begin as I lean forward to rest my head between the two seats, “.... have you ever been to Six Flags before?”
“Nope, kind of nervous but excited,” he tells me with that boyish grin of his.
“Don't worry, your brother screamed like a little bitch the whole time, so I'm sure you’ll be no worse than him,” I tease.
“You screamed?” Nate gasps, before turning towards his brother.
“I didn't scream. I may have swore a little, but I definitely didn't scream,” Gabe huffs.
“He did,” I correct. “If I remember correctly you said… ‘fuuuuuuuuuck!‘”
“Exactly, I swore.” Gabe gloats.
“I’d pay to have seen that!” Nate chuckles.
“And then he had to sit on a bench to recover as his legs had turned to jelly,” I add as I playfully poke Gabe in the shoulder.
“No, my legs were just cramped as they were squished in the seat,'' Gabe says defensively.
“Yeah, yeah, whatever you say.”
Nate starts laughing harder now, “Gabe’s a little bitch boy,” he sing-songs.
I sink back in my seat with a big smile on my face. I look over at Izzy, who is clearly also trying to hold in a laugh as we both listen to the boys squabbling in the front seat over who’s gonna be the biggest wimp today. Mission accomplished!