Page 8 of Gabriel's Salvation
I look to where she's pointing and he’s the hottest guy I've ever seen sitting alone at the end of the bar. Wow, he looks like he's just stepped out of an episode of Sons of Anarchy. I take in the short brown hair and the way his black t-shirt clings to his broad shoulders. I shuffle slightly so I can get a better view. It’s then that I spot the tattoos covering both arms and hands and what appears to be another one, peeking out the top and covering part of his neck. I feel butterflies forming in my tummy from his whole dark and dangerous vibe.
“No way!!! He's a psycho.” Lexi exclaims.
“Yeah, but he’s a fucking hot psycho.” Molly agrees.
“Seriously, he's a dick. I've seen him around, he's far too much for a girl like you.'' Brett tries saying but it just frustrates me.
“What do you mean, a girl like me?” I snap, feeling the booze making me even more argumentative than usual.
“I just mean you're nice, he's not. He'll eat you for breakfast,” Brett laughs trying to lighten the mood. But it only eggs me on more.
“Fucking watch me!” I demand, as I slide off my seat and straight towards him.
As I get closer, all the sounds of the bar disappear, and all I can hear is the sound of my blood thumping as my heart pounds in my chest. This was a mistake. He looks even more dangerous in person.
My stubbornness refuses to allow me to back down though so instead I sit myself down in the empty seat beside him.
“Hey handsome, what's your name?” I say in my most seductive tone.
If looks could kill, I would have been cremated on the spot, judging by the fiery hatred in his eyes when he first looks up at me; thankfully that look soon morphs into a very different sort of heated look.
“I'm Stacey, how about you buy me a birthday drink?” I purr, trying my hardest to sound confident and sexy. When he doesn't answer right away I tap my fake birthday badge for extra effect.
“Well since it’s my birthday, maybe you should buy me one.” he replies back with a cheeky smirk. Damn, those dimples make my knees feel weak.
I feel myself blushing at his gaze so I turn my attention to the bartender “Shots!”
“$2 each or four for $5?” he asks. Shit, what do I say? I never order shots. How many are too many? Should I order more or less?
“I'll take eight then,” I say while biting my lip nervously, deciding to just take them back to the group and run.
The bartender makes the shots and hands them to me on a tray. I hand Mr. Sex On Legs one and then rush off before my own legs give way.
“That will be $10 then please,” the bartender calls as I try to leave. Shit! I forgot the dare.
“He's paying,” I reply, poking my tongue out at the guy, internally cringing at my own awkwardness, as I walk away.
“OMG!” The girls all squeal when I make it back to the booth.
“Damn girl, you got bigger balls than me,” Brett says, seeming genuinely impressed.
“Yeah, we weren't joking about how nobody messes with Gabe Scott and lives to tell the tale,” Carly and Molly both say in unison.
“Damn, you must be some sort of siren or something,” Alex jokes before Brett pushes him playfully. “Dude, that fantasy geek shit ain’t cool.”
We all go back to our game but I can't take my eyes off the guy at the end of the bar. “Earth to Freckles, or should I say Stacey?” Lexi teases.
“It's your turn.”
“Dare,” I say definitely hoping and praying it will give me another reason to go over to see Gabe.
“I dare you to go back to Gabe and kiss him on the cheek,” Lexi challenges, and I can see from her face she doesn't think I’ll do it.
“Fine,'' I say standing again, but as I begin to make my way over, I see him head outside so I follow. When I get to the doorway I see him sitting with his back to me, smoking a cigarette. Shit, what do I do now? I make my way over slowly, and the more I watch him the more I’d give anything to press my lips to his. Instinctively I bend my head down, preparing to kiss his cheek. But as I get closer he looks up at me, and all my confidence disappears.
Shit, he's just caught me staring like a creeper. What can I do now?
Without thinking I take the cigarette from his mouth and put it in my own. Tasting the mint and smoke on my tongue, desperately wishing it was his tongue I was tasting instead. I look down and he's just staring wide-mouthed, looking like he's ready to eat me whole.