Page 24 of Impossible Thrills
How could he get answers to his questions without betraying her trust?
He didn’t know that he could.
The ship slowed to a stop and Captain Hendry directed them to the top deck. They were each given a head cam and loaded up in the helicopter. The captain lifted off, and they flew over the ocean and high above a beautiful island. The captain was now playing host and helicopter pilot.
“We’re at twenty-two thousand feet,” Captain Hendry said through the headsets, calmly hovering with the helicopter. “Miss Saint’s chute will need to be deployed before two-thousand feet. The two of you will have almost two minutes to fight it out and reach her.”
Jagger tilted up his chin.
Nick looked at Darcy. Her face was pale. He pushed aside all the issues between them, undid his seatbelt, and dropped to his knees next to her. Taking her hands in his, he rubbed her cold fingers gently. “You all right?” he asked.
She shook her head.
Nick felt all the feels with her. He wanted to protect her, strengthen her, love her. Why did this perfect-for-him woman have to be associated with that filth Johnny Trattori?
“You’ve got this,” he told her, smiling gently as he continued to rub some warmth back into her fingers. “Hays will stay right with you, get you out the door and into the air. He’ll keep you safe until I can get to you. Then we’ll pull our chutes and just glide down nice and easy. It’s a beautiful sensation and an incredible view.” He winked at her as if neither of them had a care in the world.
“Okay,” she managed.
He started to release her hands and straighten. She clasped onto him. “Will you pray like you did yesterday?”
“Of course.” He was happy to pray. He wished he could kiss her like he did yesterday, but despite bragging to Jagger and Hays last night, he couldn’t react impulsively like that again. He held her hands and bowed his head. The rotors were loud, but there was radio silence on the headset.
“Thank you Father above for Your light and love. Thank you for Darcy and her bravery and willingness to do hard things to help the babies and children in her care. Please bless her little ones while she is away. Please bless Darcy as she jumps out of the airplane. Help her to feel calm and happy and love the experience. Please bless I can reach her quickly. Bless all of us with safety and with Your love and joy. In Jesus’s name. Amen.”
“Amen,” everyone echoed. Well, everyone except Jagger, but he didn’t even taunt this time.
They all took their headsets off. Darcy put her hair in a ponytail and readjusted her head cam. Nick helped her get her parachute on, checking the straps and reassuring her that all was safe with a smile and a thumbs up. Then he shrugged into his own chute. Hays and Jagger were already ready to jump.
Hays took Darcy’s elbow and led her over to the door. She looked back at Nick. Was there longing in her eyes or just fear? He hoped his smile reassured her.
Jagger opened the helicopter door. There was a rush of wind, but nothing like a plane door opening at this altitude. Captain Hendry was holding the bird steady. Multi-talented guy. Great pilot and yacht captain.
Hays stood behind Darcy and wrapped his arms tight around her midsection. She clung to his arms with her hands. Nick appreciated Hays jumping in tandem with her, even if they weren’t tied together. It would help steady her.
As a SEAL, Hays would be an expert at skydiving and know exactly how to maneuver with Darcy and keep her safe. Nick had heard their teams sometimes jumped as high as forty-five thousand feet. That was nuts.
He prayed he could win today. He’d done his share of skydiving with the Marines, but nothing like a SEAL would do. Jagger had an advantage, but he’d had an advantage yesterday and Nick had won. God would help him win for Darcy and her babies.
Hays counted down loud enough he could hear it over the rotors. He stepped forward, gently lifting Darcy off her feet, and then they were gone.
Darcy’s scream was louder than the rotors.
Ah, no.
He and Jagger both hurried to the door, each bracing a hand on the opposite side. Hays had stabilized himself and Darcy and they were soaring down. Even as they watched, Hays moved to the side until he was only holding Darcy by the arm, both of their arms and legs splayed naturally. The position would also slow them so Nick and Jagger had a chance to catch them.
And she was still screaming.
“Five,” Captain Hendry hollered. “Four …”
Jagger extended a fist.
“Three …”
Nick bumped it.
“Two …”