Page 44 of Fractured Mates
Me mentioning the death of my fated mate made her remember hers.
I can’t think of anything else it could have been, but worse, I had the opportunity to tell her that I already knew about that and didn’t take it.
Sophie seems to constantly have one foot out the door with anything that she does. Not that I want to keep secrets from her, but I also don’t want her to run before she sees that while we might not be the typical fated mates, we are something that we can’t deny. Well, shouldn’t in my opinion, at least.
The way she started to glow with joy when we were talking about the most random things made me realize I’d done the right thing by not telling her what I know. But that light is quickly diminished when we get closer to the pack lands.
Sophie’s guard is back up, and her eyes never stop moving as she directs me to where she believes will be another good place to enter the pack lands.
“Turn left here, then slow down until you see a turnout on the right,” she says, voice tight with tension. “We’ll be parked on the side of the road this time.”
Her hands are clenched into fists, and her jaw is locked as she continues to watch around us.
“We don’t have to come back here, Sophie,” I say as I turn down the next road. “We have someone on the inside. He’ll tell us when he finds your parents.”
Her head is shaking before I even finish. “This is my responsibility. I’m not leaving it to a stranger.”
I park, and she’s out of the car before I can say anything else. Damn stubborn woman.
Turning off the engine, I slide out of the driver’s seat and tuck the keys into my pocket. At least this time, she can’t threaten to leave me behind.
I reach down and grab the cloaking spells from the pocket in the door before shutting it. Once I have the vials in hand and the car is locked up, I walk toward Sophie, who has made her way to the edge of the trees.
She points a little to the right when I’m standing next to her. “About ten miles east is the pack lands. This right here is all government owned for humans to do…recreational shit in.”
“Will we need to worry about staying hidden?” I ask, scanning the trees but not sensing anyone else nearby.
Her head shakes. “Not if we’re smart.” Then she holds her hand out. “Spell?”
I almost don’t give her the vial. I don’t think she’s emotionally ready for this, but I also know what happens when I try to stop her. I’d rather not be stabbed or have my heart ripped out.
Once she has the spell in hand, I open my vial as well and we drink them at the same time. The liquid goes down smoothly and without me even tasting it. My skin immediately begins to tingle, and a light glow temporarily forms over my body.
As soon as it’s gone, I know the spell is in effect and should last about three hours, so we need to be quick.
“We’ll need to shift, or we won’t make the trek in enough time that we can poke around the pack for long,” I tell her. Though she doesn’t seem too thrilled about shifting.
“I can run fast on two legs,” she says. “It will be fine.”
“Don’t be a princess,” I joke. “If your wolf eats a few rabbits on the way, I won’t judge.”
The glare she sends me at the use of “princess” again makes my comment worth every death threat she might give me throughout the rest of the day.
“I’m not shifting,” she says stubbornly.
“Why?” I saw her wolf in action before. She’s badass and beautiful. Sophie doesn’t have any reason to stay in her human form.
Her wolf likes you, my own says, taking me by surprise.
So what?
If Sophie is fighting the attraction, and her wolf isn’t, what do you think will happen when she shifts?
Of course it’s the animal who points out the sexual tension.
“What if I give you a head start?” I suggest to Sophie. “You can run ahead with your wolf, and I’ll follow behind? We’ll still be faster that way than running on two legs.”
She chews on her lower lip, likely knowing she doesn’t have a solid reason to tell me no. Even my compromise is ridiculous, but I’m willing to do so to make her more comfortable.