Page 49 of Fractured Mates
Kyler is the first to break our connection, shifting back to his human form. The darkness in his eyes isn’t something I’ve seen yet. Is he angry about whatever that just was? Does he not want me?
He’s growling and mumbling words I can’t comprehend under his breath. There is nothing positive that I can sense coming from him. My heart feels as if it’s about to burst.
The fates can’t be this cruel. They can’t hurt me twice.
Chapter Nineteen
For the first time in as long as I can remember, I’m at a loss as to what I should do. My wolf is severely injured to the point that we can’t shift back to human form until we’ve healed a little more. Kyler is bleeding, but he’s also not talking to me. And I’m pretty sure we’re…something.
Say the word, Sophie, my wolf taunts. Mates.
I don’t agree with her. I can’t, because the way Kyler is vibrating with fury right now doesn’t bode well for my heart if that’s true.
Surviving the first asshole mate is one thing, but if Kyler doesn’t want a second-chance mate, if I’ve allowed myself to feel something for him only to be rejected, I don’t know what I’ll do.
That’s not going to happen, she tries to assure me, but as I stare up at him, completely helpless at the moment, and see only rage looking back at me, I’m not so sure.
“I’m going to pick you up,” Kyler says before bending down. His words are clipped, and his jaw seems so tight that I wouldn’t be surprised if he broke it during the fight. Or maybe that’s just because he’s so damned furious right now.
He could just be upset because you were almost killed, my wolf says with a layer of hope.
That’s a possibility, but my heart is telling me something completely different.
Kyler’s shaking hands slide beneath my animal form, seeming mindful of the knife still lodged in my shoulder. “We’ll get that out when I don’t have to worry about you bleeding out.”
Smart choice, but I can’t tell him that in my current state.
“I’m going to need to run,” he says with a hard edge. “I’m sure more are coming, and we can’t be here when they arrive.”
His body stiffens with me in his arms, and I want to scream. How could things have changed so quickly? It’s not as if I asked for this. He’s the one who pursued me before, and now that it could be something real, he’s the one who’s angry? Not a chance in hell.
My disappointment and self-doubt quickly turn to annoyance that easily forms into my own anger. Kyler doesn’t get to kiss me—twice—then make me feel like I tricked him into something I have no control over.
I wiggle in his arms, wanting to get free of his touch, but the movement sends a new shock of pain through my entire body, and I can’t hold back the snarl of agony.
“I’m so fucking sorry, Sophie.”
Those five words leave me incapable of thought. More accurately, the pain they’re laced with. The way his voice grumbles and how his fingers tighten around our fur and the pinched expression on his face that was previously more like a statue…
Is it possible that he’s not angry with me?
I can’t think properly, but my body tingles with something foreign, making me believe that I might have jumped to the wrong conclusions.
You think? my wolf snarks, but I ignore her, badly wishing I could speak to Kyler. Though, maybe it’s a good thing I can’t talk. My emotions are all over the place and I’m apt to say something stupid.
While Kyler runs, doing his best not to jostle me, I notice a spot of crimson growing bigger beneath his grey shirt.
He’s hurt, but the only thing I’ve sensed from him is his rage. Hell, I was so consumed with my own worries that I didn’t even scent the blood on him. The wound on his shoulder isn’t the only one he has, either.
Kyler finally stops, his chest heaving as he gently sets me on the ground. “I’m going to pull the knife out now. I don’t smell any new blood on you.”
My wolf head nods, and he grips the blade at my shoulder but then stops to remove his shirt. “Bite this.”
I want to tell him no but then realize I’m probably going to soon wish the knife had stayed in place, so I let him shove the cotton material into my mouth.