Page 3 of Shattered Mates
Something is wrong, and even if I’m furious with him, he’s still mine. He’s out there somewhere, alone and not okay.
If he was fine, then he’d have come home already. I know that with every fiber of my being and so does my only ally.
My alpha and River’s best friend: Dawsyn.
She called me to her office this morning, and I hope that means it’s finally time to act. She’s asked for my patience these last few months as she’s done her own searching for River, using her pull as Alpha. I’ve given that time to her only because I know she’s on my side, but I don’t know how much longer I can hold out.
Taking the steps three at a time inside the pack house, I get to her office and start to lightly knock on the door, but she’s already calling me inside.
Pushing the door open, I peek in first to make sure she’s alone and a bit more tension leaves me. “Alpha.” I nod respectfully before taking a seat in one of the three plush chairs before her desk.
Her grin stretches wide and her golden eyes spark. “I got a lead.”
I lean forward, my fingertips pressing into the arms of the chair. “Where is he?”
“Not so quick,” she says, reaching for a file in her desk. “I’ve had a lead several times now, but I haven’t wanted to tell you and get your hopes up.”
There’s a rumble in my chest that I don’t bother to hold back. “What do you mean?”
“I mean I’ve found River, sent a team for him, and each time he’s eluded them.” Her tone is so casual, but my heart feels as if it’s about to rip from my chest.
“Why do you think he’s still running if we’ve shut down all of the scumbags who were kidnapping the supernaturals?” I don’t actually want to know her thoughts. It’s a subject we’ve only briefly skirted around over the last couple of months, but it’s time to face what my heart has already known.
River has gone rogue.
She rubs her hands and takes a deep breath as she opens the file. Inside are pictures, all taken at night, mostly shadows with brief glimpses of a face I would recognize anywhere.
My chest feels as if it’s being ripped out as I stare at the images. There he is. My mate, my everything, the man I want to hold and throttle all at the same time.
A stray tear falls down my cheek as I look up at Dawsyn, awaiting her answer.
She closes the file and meets my gaze. “You’ve come a long way in the last six years, Jules. I know sometimes it doesn’t seem that way, but you’ve done everything I’ve asked of you and more, which is why I’ve gone to your sister?—”
“You did what?” I seethe. Dawsyn and I have always had an unwritten agreement: I would work my ass off for her around the pack, and she would keep Sophie off my back.
Dawsyn’s hands go up. “Easy, Jules. Let me finish before you think the worst.”
Taking a shuddering breath, I close my eyes briefly and when I open them, I have more control. Though, I don’t know how long that will last. I’ve gone too long without the other half of my soul. There’s a decent chance that if he doesn’t come home soon, I’m going to be out there losing my mind like I assume he’s doing.
“That’s better,” she says. “Now, as I was saying. I spoke with Sophie, and I’ve told her that I’m sending you out on your first mission.”
I raise a brow, trying not to let my excitement show. “You told her?”
Dawsyn also fights a grin. “I made it clear you were the only person for the job and that unless we want to lose you as well, then she needs to let this happen.”
“Where is he, Dawsyn?” My ass is barely on the seat. I’m ready to bolt from this office and find my mate. River has needed me for months and I’ve needed him even longer than that. I can’t get out of here soon enough.
“We’ll get to that, but there are some things you need to know first.” Her voice is hesitant, and I don’t like it.
Yet, I also understand that she’s my alpha. Not my friend. As frustrating as it’s been waiting for River all these years, having no clue if he’s okay or when he’ll be back… At the end of the day, I’ve always known Dawsyn has been doing her best.
It might have taken me a while to understand that—a year or so of rebelling, trying to run away, and, like a petulant child, ignoring everyone who only wanted to help me. Then again, that’s why they kept me and River apart. I’d been too young, the gap in our age too much, but I’m not that girl anymore.
I’ve spent years learning and training and growing. Sure, there were days I couldn’t get out of bed thanks to how badly my heart ached and nights when I’d wake with fresh tears staining my cheeks, but I never stopped fighting. For River, for myself, for our future.
Dawsyn continues, “We lost River a long time ago. He’s not the same man you met six years ago, and he’s proved that even more recently.”
I bite the inside of my cheek. “How?”