Page 34 of Seen By Larabe
“Good evening. We are going to start reducing her medication. We want to bring her around slowly so there is no unnecessary strain on the brain. We will begin reducing the sedative tonight and hopefully by mid-morning, she will start coming out of it. Now, let’s start waking this young lady up.” Yes. Please baby wake up. I need you. Both of you.
Five Months Later
“That feels so good.” I am currently stuffed full of my husband riding his cock while his hands are massaging my back, and his tongue is doing the same to my nipples.
“Which part?” he asks, being a smartass before going back to stuffing his mouth with my swollen tits.
“Son of a bitch, babe. All of it. It all feels so damn good.” His cock twitches inside of me when I tell him how good he makes me feel. The thing is I couldn’t go a day without telling him because there is not a day when he doesn’t ever since he rescued me but for sure since the day I woke up from the coma.
Five months ago they started bringing me down slowly from the sedative. Now of course I remember nothing that happened before I was fully awake, but apparently the first time they tried, when I finally opened my eyes, I had barely smiled at him when something happened, and I began to seize.
According to Lar, that was the day he died his first death. They put me back out for another two weeks after finding out I had a small bleed they missed. It wasn’t in a major vessel or artery so they gave me clotting medicine to try to repair it without surgery as it would have been dangerous to the fetus.
The second time they woke me, I appeared fine but then I couldn't remember anything after being taken which means, I couldn’t remember him. He says the doctors told him it was temporary due to the trauma and once my brain was fully healed it would come back. They said he just needed to be patient and not push me because it could set the process back.
Now I don’t know about you, but that was funny to me. Have you met my husband? Telling him to let the wife he loves forget about him is like asking a court jester not to make people laugh. Yeah. Right. So, instead of making me speak to him or forcing me to engage, he simply brought photos of us, one every day from our time together. Our wedding, selfies we took in bed, pictures of me sleeping on his chest, some from the beach, etc.
He says, just sitting in a corner staring at me, not touching me or talking to me was torture, but he was doing it for us. According to him it took about a week for me to start to remember until everything came back and that was traumatic, but, once he told me about the baby and that it was still inside of me, safe and sound, I let it all go and focused on what was important. Our family.
Now he spends his days working and nights taking care of me. “Shit. You look like a fertile queen sitting astride me. Look at your nipples, so swollen and spread out, ready to make milk for baby and daddy, huh babe.” Holy shit. His hand grips my hips, and he lifts me before dropping me back down.
“Yes!” I shout, throwing my head back. My pussy squeezes his cock because I am seconds from coming. I am a small hair trigger now.
“You sound ready to come, angel.” His teeth nibble at my nipples and my surrender is almost complete. A whimpering cry leaves me and when both his hands surround my baby bump he looks me in my eyes and says, “I got you baby. Always.” I splinter in two and cry his name over and over until I feel his heat coat the inside of me.
“I love you.” I whisper into his chest, drifting into a nice cozy nap, still full of my husband's cock, which is my afternoon norm when he gets a break between his assignments.
“I love you too, Piccola.” The baby kicks right at that moment. He bends his head and whispers to my stomach. “You too, bebé.” Now when I close my eyes, I dream. I don’t have nightmares anymore. I have vivid dreams filled with love and hope. I dream of our future. The one I am growing and the ones yet to come and none of them would be possible without him, my husband. My lover. My hero. All because he saw me. The real me and decided I was worth risking it all for.
Six Years Later
“Daddy, Daddy look,” my oldest, Aurora, calls my name, running with her baby turtle in her hand.
“Slow down Rory,” I tell her. When she makes it to me, I am on my knees, pulling her onto my lap. “Now, what’s got you so excited, Princess?”
“Auntie Aurora is taking me and Star to see Disney Princesses on Ice.” Ah. I forgot. Of course this is why she is erratically vibrating. My daughter and her namesake are quite close. The moment my little girl was born Ro, deemed herself her godmother and oftentimes, my wife and I had to track her down for our own child. Her and Ro’s daughter Star are ‘besties’, as they call it, even so much so that Star refused to go to preschool until Aurora could go. Yeah I know. Girls.
“Oh wow. When are you going?”
“Mommy says I have to go pick out my favorite princess outfit because we are leaving bright and early in the morning, and I am having a sleepover with auntie Aurora tonight.”
“That sounds like too much fun. Well, sweetheart, you should go and do that. Where are your brothers and sisters?”
“In the pool with Mommy.” Nodding my head I kiss her cute little face and send her with her nanny who just walked up. Walking to the back of the yard, I hear laughter and splashing, and it never ceases to make me smile.
“Mommy, look.” I am just in time to see my second oldest Faye do a backflip in her life vest.
“Good job, baby. Can you do it again?” My wife asks, while she swings our youngest L.J. around. Faye does her little flip once more and this time I clap super loud, and everyone turns to look at me.
“Daddy!!” Fays singsongs. “Are you coming in with us?”