Page 11 of Beautiful Sight
“So, gentlemen, you wanted to speak to me?” Tessa asked once Jefferson settled beside her and took her hand in his.
“Yes, ma’am. We’ve talked to the other females who were held with you and need to hear your story now. Anything you can tell us about the men who took you. The when, were, how. Whatever you can remember about your kidnapping and time held.”
“And who are you?” Tessa asked, turning to where the voice came from.
“Jacobi Wilson, ma’am. I led the team who raided the auction last night.”
“Thank you, Mr. Wilson,” Tessa said, relaxing only minimally once she knew who she was talking to. “My story may be a little different from the others. I was not snatched off the streets. My son gave me to a man named Sonny as payment for some debt he owed. He told this Sonny I’d be a good whore because I couldn’t run away and … um, well, he made me sound like a good addition to his auction. This Sonny said I would cover half his debt and buy him another month to get the rest. I was then carried out of the house by a big man who stunk and he put me in the trunk of a car. I was carried into the room where we were held until the auction.” Tessa took a deep breath as Jefferson squeezed her hand almost painfully tight.
“Can you tell us anything about this Sonny?”
Tessa thought back. “He had an accent, Spanish maybe. And from what I could tell, he was a few inches taller than me.”
“And this other man?”
“He was much taller than me. About Jefferson’s height, and strong. He was able to pick me up and carry me out of the house under one arm. He smelled of cigarettes and garlic. The truck was clean and smelled like a new car. There wasn’t anything else in there with me.”
“And your son, what’s his name?”
“Theo Dubois. He lives at 4235 Manchester Lane in the Carr Village neighborhood on the edge of town,” Tessa said, wondering what these men would do to her only son.
Then she wondered why she cared. After all, he had given her to a man who apparently dealt in loansharking and human trafficking.
Jefferson fought to remain calm while Tessa answered the supernatural SWAT team’s questions. All he wanted to do was track down her offspring and the man she’d been given to and take out his rage on them.
Instead, he took deep breaths and tried to find a calm he wasn’t sure he would feel until every man involved in his mate’s abduction was dead. Only problem was, he wasn’t sure how Tessa felt about her son. Would she want to protect him? Or would she allow him to obtain justice for her?
He shocked himself by remaining silent and not growling in anger as Jacobi continued his gentle line of questioning. When Tessa’s grip on his hand tightened, his cock twitched in response. His mate needed him and if all he could do was allow her to hold his hand, so be it.
By the time Jacobi and the rest of his team silently filed out of the apartment twenty minutes later, all Jefferson wanted was to carry Tessa to their bedroom and keep her there until they were fully mated. Unfortunately, his mate needed a proper breakfast. She also needed some clothes, shoes, and other necessities, which meant returning to bed would have to wait. Only after his mate was properly cared for and outfitted would they get naked and better acquainted. He would also introduce her to his wolf before claiming her.
He only hoped his cock wouldn’t fall off in the meantime.
After locking the door and activating the alarm system, Jefferson returned to the living room where Tessa remained seated. “Now, sweet tigress, how about we get you a proper breakfast?”
Before she could declare she was fine, her stomach rumbled in loud agreement. Her cheeks pinked up as she covered her belly with both hands.
“I’ll take that as a yes,” Jefferson said with a chuckle.
“I’m sorry,” Tessa whispered as she dropped her head forward until he couldn’t see her face.
“Why are you sorry? It is my pleasure, honor, and duty to care for my beautiful mate. After breakfast, we’ll go shopping for new clothes, shoes, and whatever else you need.”
“But I can’t go out like this,” Tessa said, waving at the robe she’d put on to speak with Jacobi and his team. “Can’t you have someone go out and get me something to wear to go shopping while we go back to bed?”
Jefferson’s hard-as-a-rock cock seconded her suggestion. Taking a breath to keep from sweeping her up and racing back to bed, Jefferson reached for the apartment phone and dialed the four-digit extension for his assistant’s desk.
Marla Fletcher had proved her worth over the years, keeping him organized, on track, and out of a war with other supernatural tribes. Marla answered on the second ring. “Yes, sir?”
After giving Marla instructions on what to buy along with sizes provided by Tessa, he told her to cancel all his appointments for the rest of the day and take messages if anyone called. Once business was taken care of for the day, Jefferson hung up and turned his attention back to his mate.
“Come on, tigress, let’s see about getting you some breakfast. Then we can get down to the real business of the day.”
Tessa stood and made sure her robe was closed before she said, “Oh, and what business would that be?”
Jefferson took her hand in his and brushed a kiss over her knuckles. “Why, claiming my beautiful mate, of course. What other business did you think?”