Page 21 of Beautiful Sight
“You know, you’re a very bossy man,” she said primly.
“Comes with the job of alpha,” Jefferson replied with a chuckle.
She listened as he moved around the kitchen. It took a few minutes, and then she began to smell something yummy, though she wasn’t sure what. He finally lifted her hand from the counter and placed a cup into it. “Milk.”
A moment later he set a plate down in front of her. “Grilled cheese sandwich. Be careful, it’s hot.”
Tessa drank her milk and sighed. “Yum.”
She waited until Jefferson joined her at the counter before picking up the first triangular quarter of her sandwich. By that point it had cooled enough to eat without burning her mouth. By the time she finished both the sandwich and her milk, all she wanted was to sleep.
She yawned again and felt obliged to say, “I’m sorry.”
“Why are you sorry?”
She blinked several times to keep back the tears that suddenly flooded her eyes. “Because I had this great plan to seduce you as a way of thanks for all the money you spent on me today, but all I can think about is sleeping.”
When Jefferson pulled her to lean against him, she went easily, resting against his body and closing her eyes. “You don’t have to thank me for anything. For the first time ever, I actually enjoyed going shopping. Tomorrow we’ll unpack and put everything away, but for now, the bed is calling both of us.”
Tessa yawned again. “I think you’re right.”
She didn’t argue when Jefferson picked her up from the stool and carried her down the hall through the bedroom and into the bathroom. He set her on the counter then proceeded to strip her of her clothes. After kissing her, he stepped out of the bathroom, giving her privacy to tend to business. Once she finished and washed her hands and face, she confidently found her way to the bed. Crawling in, she settled on her side and tried to wait for Jefferson to join her.
But the late-night meal, combined with the hours of shopping, had done her in and she was asleep before Jefferson joined her in bed.
Her last thought before tumbling over the edge into sleep was that she would have to thank him in the morning.
Jefferson wasn’t sure what woke him, but when he reached out for Tessa, she was not lying beside him as she should be.
“Shh, go back to sleep,” came the muffled response from somewhere around his knees.
Blinking, he looked around and found an unusual lump at the bottom of her side of the bed.
“Are you all right, tigress?” he said as two fingers gently stroked up the inside of one thigh.
His cock, which had been a rock-hard pillar since helping her try on clothes the day before, twitched in anticipation as her fingers reached the top of his leg and gently cupped his balls.
“I’m fine. Go back to sleep.”
He chuckled as the exploring digits found the base of his cock and caressed their way up his shaft to the head. “It’s a little difficult to go back to sleep when you’re not in my arms. What are you doing?”
“Oh, I had hoped you’d stay asleep a little longer,” she responded, sounding disappointed. “I’m exploring.”
In the next moment, warm breath wafted over his balls just before a wet tongue licked up his cock from root to tip. He groaned and flipped the covers back, exposing his woman curled up beside his left leg just as she wrapped her fingers around his cock and lifted it from his body.
“Sweetheart, that is not the way to get me to go back to sleep,” he said in a rough, growly voice as his arousal continued to grow.
“I always thought a good orgasm would make it easier for any man to sleep,” she said just before licking across the tip of his cock with the flat of her tongue. “Mmmm, yum.”
Jefferson dropped back to the pillow and groaned as she took just the head of his cock into her mouth, closing her lips around the shaft. “Goddess, that feels good,” he managed to growl before his ability to speak abandoned him completely.
He growled softly when she pulled off the head to say, “Tell me if I’m doing anything wrong. I haven’t done this in a long time.”
“Just keep doing what you’re doing,” he managed to get out. She took the head back in, then slid further down his shaft and back up, taking more and more with each pass.